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Bias (In favor)

 Most of the characters gibed authority in the film were men. They were the ones to kill,
to rule and to carry and give out orders. Macbeth gave a stereotypical depiction of
gender roles during the early 1600’s where men were absolute and dominant.

Prejudice (Against of)

 There were rarely any women characters that played a major part in the piece. Only a
select few were ever shown and their roles were divided into two: the wives and the


Bias (In favor)

 Those of their prime were revered to as warriors and soldiers and carried most of the
film’s screen time and dialogue.

Prejudice (Against of)

 The old were portrayed as either crazy or wise but defenseless.

 The young were portrayed as a hindrance with a lack of maturity

Bias (In favor)

 Macbeth eventually gave in to the witches’ practices and rituals BUT, he relied too
heavily on it and on many occasions tried to cheat fate. He convinced himself that with
prior knowledge to what tapestry lies ahead, he can change it as he wills. He grew
arrogant and proud

Prejudice (Against of)

 The witches were called “The Weird Sisters” because of their practices and rituals. They
weren’t taken seriously at first and were only when the first prophecy came to past.

Bias (In favor)

 Macbeth believed that he and his castle were invulnerable to any man that walks the
land. He believed that he was protected by what the witches said and so assumed that
his nation would be the strongest as they come and would be able to hold out against
the English forces.

Prejudice (Against of)

 Macbeth had the entire county of Fife massacred as its thane, Macduff, had committed
treason and so decided that everyone under Macduff’s ruling was also a traitor.

 Macbeth thinks of the English very lowly heavily underestimating them. His arrogance
eventually led to his downfall.

Bias (In favor)

 In favor to the witches’ prophecies, Macbeth felt as if he had to do some dark deed to
help further their predictions along.

 With the witches’ prediction that Banquo, Macbeth’s best friend, would be father to
Scotland’s next kings, he ordered him killed in fear of losing the throne.

Prejudice (Against of)

 King Duncan believed that his son, Malcolm would be fitting to rule the next generation
of his nation. Macbeth however, did not agree with the king’s decisions and wanted to
seize the throne for himself. He believed that the king’s sons were a threat to the throne
and so killed him to instill fear unto his two sons. This so happened to be successful and
the two left Scotland.

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