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It is the department that is most responsible for regulating and making sure that products that come
into the country is safe. They have 3 steps in corroborating safety, filing comes first which makes notes
of certain products, then comes evaluation which checks the background, uses and the why’s of the
certain product, and lastly inspection, which ascertains that said product is safe.

It is the Department of Health’s key sister agency and what implements the country’s food control. It is
the paradigm insurance of anything regarding the safety and quality of food.


This is what protects the citizens’ health directly with its programs. It is in charge of developing national
plans, technical standards, and guidelines on health. It is essentially what knows best and is the law
when it comes to medicine, food standards and anything regarding health.

An example of its programs is the free vaccine and the feeding programs for children. Both have the
same objective to protect and to care for the common man and especially those who are in most need.


DTI is the business side of things. It is pretty much the leading factor for the economy’s growth. It is in
charge of managing the prices of goods that come into the country; balancing supply and demand. It
keeps everything at a fair rate so that the people would not be cheated.

An example of this is when it comes to facemasks. When the pandemic was still at the all-time high, the
demand for face masks was too. Due to this, many ill-mannered individuals saw the opportunity and
sold the face masks at a higher price than what would normally be acceptable. Naturally, these people
were arrested and punished accordingly.

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