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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

The honorable Adjudicator...
And the honorable participants and the audiences.

First thing first, lets say thank to our god, Allah SWT for giving us some blessing and mercies
so we can gather in this place with a good condition.
Secondly, Shalawat and salam to our prophet muhammad SAW who has save his
community and society from the darkness to the lightness.
And, I also thank to the adjudicator for giving me a chance to deliver this speech under the
theme “ DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY “ in front of you all.

Well ladies and gentlemen...

Before we Talk more about digital technology...
We all must know what the Digital Technology is.

As we know, Digital technology is the branch of scientific or engineering knowledge that
deals with the creation and practical use of digital or computerized devices, methods,
system, etc.

Many people say, that why is digital technology very important?

Because, it allows us to unlock a huge collection of information and communication data.

However, the importance of digitel technology must have positive impacts and negative
impacts as well...

Let’s discuss the positive impact first.

The first is, Connecting People All Over The World.
It means, if in the past you have limited distance to be able to communicated
with other people not so now.
The second, Fast Information Dissemination.
If you used to rely on news papers or television to find out the latest information
dissemination happen very quickly and even in real time.
The last, Advancing the world of education.
The rapid development of communication technology also supports the advancem
nt of education. Now people who live in remote or remote villages can also enjoy
the internet. Therefore, the information they get now does not depend on book

Move to the Negative Impacts,

Individualist, vincent miller through his writings tittle “ social media and the problem of
Community” state if communication patters shift along with digital
Developments. For fim, the level of face to face meetings is reduces so that it
Triggers humans to become more individual.
Speak Up Without Taking Responsibility, the development of digital world has made many
People dare to speak out through social media. Unfortunately, this is not
Accompared by responsibility, thus triggering cyber bullying. Not only that,
The delivery of information without responsibility also causes a lot of hoax
News without any filter when publishing it.

Well ladies and gentle men..

Without technology, we can’t know something quickly.
Yeahh.. like living in prehistoric times...

Just so you know,

Actually, people now think technology is wrong.
No, you dont.
Its not the wrong technology, but its us who use the technology incorrectly.

What to do?
How to do?
And who will do
To handle this negative impacts?
We can giving the public an understanding of how to use technology properly, use
technology properly and access sites that are positive in nature, and keep yourself from
being influenced by others.

As a young generation, we must use technology wisely.

Because this will greatly affect the impact that will come in the future.

I want to ask you...


And i want to give a little message that steve jobs said “ technology is nothing. Whats
important is that you have a faith in people, that they are basically good and smart, and if
you give them tools, they will do wonderful things with them”

I’m Salsabila Aulia Ramadhan
And i’m from SMAN 4 MAKASSAR.
I hope my speech will be useful, helpful, and i hope its open mindset about our technology.
And i’m sorry if i made mistakes because i’m just an ordinary human who always try to give
my best 
Wabillahi taufik wal hidayah.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh.

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