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Instruction: Read the statement before each number and provide the answer/s for

each statement. Please be guided by the provided rubrics for this activity.
Reminder: Outputs that are the same with the works of other students will be
returned with () (zero) points.

1. Based on your understanding, how does the accommodation sector contribute to

the promotion of the destination’s culture? Will you suggest to a hotel manager to
Incorporate the local cultural practices in his/her establishment?

Answer: I think the accommodation sector contributes to the promotion of a specific

destination’s culture by immersing tourists in the local culture of a particular tourist spot.
For example, in some villages in Batanes, you can sleep inside the old or ancient huts and
stone houses. in my opinion It’s a must especially if the tourist wants to experience the
culture of the tourist spot.

2. How should a hotel manager lead a group of diverse employees in an International

brand of a hotel? What traits must he/she possess to lead the team Effectively?
Answer: If I were a hotel manager who wanted to lead a group of diverse employees, I
should learn how to be respectful of other nationalities and beliefs. And I don’t want a one-
man team; I want to find out what they are good at and make them excel at it. To benefit
each other. The traits he or she should possess to lead the team are not being selfish, being
willing to learn from others, and communicating with your team to make an effective plan.

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