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Staff Development and Problem Employees

Employees’ perceptions vary as to what they owe the organization
and what they owe themselves

Not disciplining an employee who should be disciplined jeopardizes

an organization’s morale
a ra c te r to b ri n g a b o u t desired
o ld in g th e m in d and c h
in g o r m
Discipline involves train
v io rs . lp in g th e e m p lo y e e grow,
u se s d is cip li n e a s a m e ans of he
constructive discipline
not as a punitive measure

lf-D is cip lin e a n d G ro up Norms rm of d isc ip li n e w h e reas

st le ve l a n d m o st e ffective fo
self-discipline, highe s a n d a cc e pt th e m as valid.
b o rd in ate s know the ru le v io r that are
possib le on ly if su o f ex p e cte d b e h a
g ro u p -e st a b li sh e d st a ndards
group norms, are
nforc e d b y so cia l p re ss u re.

Discipline as a Progressive Process

action must be taken when employees continue undesirable conduct, either by
breaking rules or by not performing their job duties adequately.
first step Informal Reprimand or Verbal Admonishment, this
reprimand includes an informal meeting between the employee and the
manager to discuss the broken rule or performance deficiency.
second step is a Formal Reprimand or Written Admonishment, if rule
breaking recurs the manager meets again with the employee and issues a
written warning about the behaviors must be corrected.
The third step in progressive discipline is a Suspension
from Work, either wit or without pay.
Last step is Involuntary Termination
or Dismissal. If, the manager has
given repeated warnings and rule
breaking or policy violations
continue, then the employee
should be dismissed.
F a ir a n d E ffec tive Ru les
d isci p lin e is to b e p e rce ive d by
Guidelines must be followed w th p ro d ucing.
su b ord in ate s a s gr o

McGregor (1967) developed four rules “ Hot Stove”, to make discipline as

fair and growth-producing as possible.
1. All employees must be forewarned if they break the rule (touch the hot
stove) they will be punished.
2. If the person breaks a rule (touches the stove) there will be immediate
consequences. All discipline should be administered immediately after rules
are broken.
3. If the person touches the stove again, he or she will again be burned.
Therefore, there is consistency; each time the rule is broken there are
immediate and consistent consequences.
4. If any other person touches the stove, he or she also will get burned.
Discipline must be impartial, and everyone must be treated in the same
manner when the rule is broken.
Problem Employees
Marginal Employees are those employees who disrupt
unit functioning because the quantity or quality of
their work consistently meets only minimal standards
at best.
Impaired Employees are those who are unable to
accomplish their work at expected level as a result of
chemical or psychological disease
chemical impairment, resulting from drug or
alcohol addiction.
psychological impairment, is increasingly
recognized as a significant problem.
Grievance Procedures
a statement of wrongdoing or a procedure to follow when
one believes that a wrong has been committed

Formal process, outlined in all union contracts or administrative policy

and procedure manuals.
Arbitration, both sides agree on the selection of a professional mediator
who will review the grievance.

Perhaps the most important outcome of a grievance is the legitimate

opportunity that it provides for employees to resolve conflicts with
their superiors.

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