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Informe de Ingles


Electronics-related occupations make up a significant portion of the world economy. These

jobs require knowledge and skills that are necessary to maintain and use electronic devices.
The devices that people use every day so these jobs are critical to keeping the world running.

The power that runs to the world comes from electrical current generated by electronics
machines created by electronic technicians, generate electricity and communicate with other
devices. People in these occupations are crucial to the modern world. Many aspects of daily
life require the use of electronics devices.

Emotions play a role in how and why students learn, Emotions are inherently linked to and
influence cognitive skills such as attention, memory, executive function, decision-making,
critical thinking, problem-solving and regulation, all of which play a key role in learning.

Emotions measure

In the future, more and more smart devices will be able to record emotional responses to
certain data and facts, analyze the situation and make appropriate recommendations
accordingly. Currently, the healthcare and automotive industries are among the most eager to
introduce emotion recognition capabilities. But not all of totality of projects are immersive in
just emotions, so those projects are deficient because if we want learn about this, we need
project totality evocated in the education and emotions


Emotions are a part of everyone's life. Everyone goes through times when they feel happy or
sad- and these feelings are crucial to human existence. Our emotions help us process the
information in our brains and make decisions based on that information. Our emotions have a
strong influence on our health and well-being. Understanding different emotions is essential to
living a happy and healthy life.

Our daily feelings help us learn about ourselves. We learn about our feelings by analyzing the
emotions we've experienced and the emotions others have shown to them. This is important
since it helps you understand your emotional state and control your feelings. It also helps you
understand the emotional states of people around you and build relationships with others
based on mutual interests. People use their feelings to deal with their problems effectively by
identifying and understanding the underlying cause of their feelings. This helps them cope with
their emotions and make decisions that affect their health and well-being.

Emotions play an important role in education and positive emotions can not only promote
satisfactory situations for the studying of material, but also support the cognitive processes
that help learners perform better when studying and increase their satisfaction

Edoss as an alternative solution

Edos is a device very important in the educational institutes to obtain information for good

The Reasons behind of Edos

Edos arises from the rational idea raised through constant research processes, with a single
purpose, to ensure that students are not afraid to express what they feel without being

Edos and its end of use

The purpose of Edos is to make further progress in education in a fruitful way and without
bumps in the road, motivating and taking into account the emotions of the boys and girls who
make up the classroom or educational space, knowing that these emotions are vital to the
time for the information treaty, since, as mentioned before, emotions are like a double-edged
sword, if you do not know the emotions of the boys well, you cannot go further than a path
with stops along the way, but If you know a little more about what the boys think, everything
becomes a little easier and more practical, thus leaving a smooth path to walk.

Edos seems like a robot, it was designed to see friendly for the kids.

She has a squeare shape head. At the top of the head you can see a handgrip, at the front in
the center there´s a 6.3inch screen, at the sides there´s two speakers to listen music and at the
back has the INDUSTRIAL 4 logo.

In the body at the core has the ITECH logo, and at the sides two arms that hold a board that
has two buttons and a joystick to choose the answers, at the back, there´s a hole where would
the batteries go.

Edos has two lego shape short legs.

edos is a device that solves your life, if you have anxiety it solves it for you, if you have
depression it solves it for you, if your back hurts from playing 30 hours straight lol edos solves
it for you, buy edos. call now

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