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Rev Environ Health 2018; 33(1): 63–76


Harriet Whiley*, Sharyn Gaskin, Tiffany Schroder and Kirstin Ross

Antifungal properties of essential oils for

improvement of indoor air quality: a review
Received August 1, 2017; accepted September 4, 2017; previously
published online October 27, 2017
Indoor air quality is a public health issue of increasing
Abstract: Concerns regarding indoor air quality, par- concern (1–3). One of the leading indoor air quality com-
ticularly the presence of fungi and moulds, are increas- plaints is the presence of fungi and moulds, which have
ing. The potential for essential oils to reduce, control or been associated with increased risk of adverse health
remove fungi, is gaining interest as they are seen as a effects (4, 5). The most common adverse health effects
“natural” alternative to synthetic chemical fungicides. associated with fungi in indoor environments, as recently
This review examines published research on essential oils reviewed by Nevalainen et al. (6), are various respiratory
as a method of fungal control in indoor environments. conditions. Other potential health effects include aller-
It was difficult to compare the relative performances of gic responses, infection or toxigenic effects, for which
essential oils due to differences in research methods and the pathophysiology is less evident (2). Of these, infec-
reporting languages. In addition, there are limited stud- tion and toxicity have serious consequences but are rare
ies that scale up laboratory results and assess the efficacy in occurrence, whereas allergic responses are commonly
of essential oils within building environments. However, observed (7). These allergic responses include rhinitis, eye
generally, there appears to be some evidence to support irritation, cough and aggravation of asthma, which is of
the essential oils clove oil, tea tree oil, oregano, thyme and emerging significance given that the incidence of asthma
lemon as potential antifungal agents. Essential oils from in children from developed countries is increasing (8–10).
heartwood, marjoram, cinnamon, lemon basil, caraway, Burr et  al. (11) conducted a randomised control trial to
bay tree, fir, peppermint, pine, cedar leaf and manuka explore the effect of eradicating visible mould from the
were identified in at least one study as having antifungal homes of asthma patients. It was found that the symp-
potential. Future studies should focus on comparing the toms of asthma and rhinitis improved and medication
effectiveness of these essential oils against a large number usage decreased in the patients who had indoor mould
of fungal isolates from indoor environments. Studies will removed, fungicide applied and a fan installed in the loft
then need to focus on translating these results into realis- of their homes.
tic application methods, in actual buildings, and assess Fungi and moulds have also been demonstrated to
the potential for long-term antifungal persistence. contribute to sick building syndrome and other build-
ing related illnesses (7, 12). Sick building syndrome is
Keywords: fungicidal; indoor air; natural; plant-derived
recognised as a group of symptoms (e.g. eyes, nose and
compound; plant extract.
throat irritation; dry skin, headache and lethargy) that are
related to spending time in a particular building. This is
more commonly identified in offices; however, there have
been reports of sick building syndrome in schools, hos-
pitals, care homes and domestic houses (13). Research
*Corresponding author: Harriet Whiley, Environmental Health, has demonstrated that one of the key risk factors of sick
Science and Engineering, Flinders University, GPO Box 2100, building syndrome is dampness, which promotes mould
Adelaide 5000, Australia, E-mail: growth (14).
Sharyn Gaskin: Occupational and Environmental Health, School To reduce the potential risk of exposure, indoor areas
of Public Health, The University of Adelaide, 28 Anderson St
with visible fungal growth must be immediately remedi-
Thebarton, Adelaide 5031, Australia
Tiffany Schroder and Kirstin Ross: Environmental Health, Science
ated (15). Early intervention for fungal contamination is
and Engineering, Flinders University, GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5000, essential; otherwise, professional remediation will be
Australia required (3). Remediation typically involves the removal
64      Whiley et al.: Indoor air and antifungal essential oils

of building material with visible mould contamination, in reading titles and abstracts and initially excluded if they
conjunction with treatment of surfaces with an antifungal did not describe original research or did not examine the
product. Remediation should also include steps to prevent fungicidal activity of essential oils. Articles were then read
moisture build-up, which enables future fungal growth in full and excluded if they described a fungal control not
(16). An antifungal agent (otherwise known as a fungicide) relating to indoor air or buildings (e.g. articles describ-
is a compound used to kill or inhibit the growth of fungi ing the control of clinical isolates, animal, crop or food
and/or fungal spores (sporicide) (17). Antifungal agents rec- spoilage, etc. were excluded). A total of 19  studies that
ommended for indoor environments should be non-toxic to described the antifungal potential of essential oils or their
humans, odourless and hypoallergenic (18). It is ideal that extracts for the purpose of influencing indoor air quality
the antifungal agent also provides long-term protection were included and are summarised in Table 1.
from fungal regrowth, especially in humid or moist envi-
ronments that would promote fungal growth; however, in
reality, this long-term persistent protection is difficult to Antifungal potential of essential oils for
achieve especially for non-toxic fungicides (19, 20). the control of indoor air environments
Globally, there is increasing concern regarding syn-
thetic chemical usage and residue and the potential The biggest challenge when evaluating the antifungal
human health effects of exposure (21). Consequently, potential of essential oils or their extracts (Table 1) is the
there is a push from consumers for ‘natural’ alternatives lack of a standard method for both designing experiments
to chemical antifungal products for use in residential and describing antifungal efficacy (43). The most com-
and commercial indoor environments (2, 15, 22). As such, monly adopted screening method identified in the studies
research on essential oils and their potential antimicrobial shown in Table 1 was the disk diffusion assay. This is where
capabilities has received increasing attention (23). Essen- the essential oil or treatment is added to filter paper discs
tial oils are complex mixtures of volatile compounds bio- and placed in the centre of agar plates containing fungal
synthesised by plants, the main groups of which include lawn. The zone of clearing in fungal growth is measured as
terpenes and terpenoids and aromatic and aliphatic con- an indicator of fungal inhibition. Other studies also used
stituents, and are characterised by low molecular weight modified versions of this method, including adding the
(24). Essential oils have been widely used in medicine essential oil through syringe injection or placing in a well
and the food industry for their antimicrobial properties; in the centre of the agar plate (26, 36, 37). Rogawansamy
however, there are limited studies investigating their use et  al. (15) used the disk diffusion assay in addition to a
for the control of indoor air quality. The increased interest method adapted from Soylu et  al. (44) to investigate the
in natural substances is driving the research community antifungal efficiency of the treatments in the vapour
to find new applications of these substances. The aim of phase. Briefly, agar plates with fungal lawns are created
this review was to examine studies that have investigated and filter paper containing the treatment is placed on
the antifungal potential of essential oils specifically as the inner surface of the agar plate lid, ensuring no direct
a method for improving indoor air quality for building contact with the fungal lawn. Plates are sealed with para-
occupants. film and antifungal efficiency is determined by measur-
ing the zone of clearing. Another method frequently used
was the serial dilution method, where serial dilutions of
Methods essential oils were prepared and inoculated with fungal
cultures to determine the minimum concentration that
A search was conducted through the Scopus (25), Pro- inhibited fungal growth (25, 32, 40).
Quest (1), Science Direct (6) and Web of Science (26) Even when the same method was used, it is difficult to
databases. The search terms included (mould OR mold compare results as a consequence of different reporting lan-
OR fungi OR fungal OR fungus) AND (“indoor air” OR guage used to describe antifungal efficacy. Using the disk
indoor OR building OR buildings) AND (“essential oil” OR diffusion assay, researchers reported the results as either
“essential oils” OR “plant-derived compound” OR “plant diameter of zone of inhibition (15, 37) or as percentages of
extract”) AND (antifungal OR fungicidal OR fungicide OR growth inhibition compared with the control plates (25, 29,
sporicidal OR sporicide OR anti-microbial OR biocide OR 33). Using the serial dilution method, Šegvić Klarić et  al.
biocidal), and the search was limited to the title, abstract (40) reported antifungal efficacy using the term minimum
and keywords. Figure 1 presents the systematic approach inhibitory concentration (MIC), which is the lowest con-
to article inclusion or exclusion. Articles were screened by centration that allowed no more than 20% fungal growth
Whiley et al.: Indoor air and antifungal essential oils      65

Records identified through databases Scopus (25), ProQuest (1), Science direct (6)
and Web of Science (26) databases. Keyword search (mould OR mold OR fungi OR

fungal OR fungus) AND (“indoor air” OR indoor OR building OR buildings) AND

(“essential oil” OR “essential oils” OR “plant-derived compound” OR “plant extract”)
AND (antifungal OR fungicidal OR fungicide OR sporicidal OR sporicide OR anti-
microbial OR biocide OR biocidal) and the search was limited to include peer
reviewed articles written in English (n = 65)

Records after duplicates removed

(n = 44)

Records screened Records excluded

(n = 44) (n = 16)

Full-text articles assessed for Full-text articles or resources

eligibility excluded, with reasons
(n = 28) (n = 9)

Studies included in
qualitative synthesis
(n = 19)

Figure 1: Overview of search methods and article inclusion and exclusion criteria (1, 6, 25, 26).

(determined by a reduction in the number of colonies in 10 by Su et  al. (23), investigated the antifungal efficacy of
μL of the dilution inoculated onto Sabouraud Glucose Agar essential oils by evaporating essential oil in indoor rooms
incubated at 25 °C for 7  days), and minimum fungicidal and measuring the changes in air quality. Another four
concentration (MFC), which was the lowest concentration studies assessed the antifungal efficacy of essential oils
of essential oil that completely inhibited the growth of the against fungal growth on different types of wood surfaces
fungi. However, this differs from the definitions used by used in building construction; however, all other studies
Stupar et  al. (32), who also used a variation of the serial ­identified were conducted on agar plates or broth cul-
dilution method but reported the MIC as the lowest concen- tures (36–39). There is clearly need for further research
tration without visible growth (assessed using a binocular designed to investigate the antifungal efficacy in indoor
microscope) and the MFC as the lowest concentration with environments (in situ) in order to validate the transla-
no growth after inoculation of the original inoculum. This tion of laboratory-based outcomes. There is also a need
definition of MIC was supported by Verma et al. (45), who to investigate the potential long-term persistence of the
reported MIC as the lowest concentration that resulted in treatment and any optimum reapplication requirements
no growth after the incubation period. in order to characterise antifungal capabilities.
The other challenge when evaluating the antifungal
efficacy of essential oils is that most of the studies iden-
tified in Table 1 are laboratory based and there is a lack Clove oil
of in situ experiments within building environments.
This makes it difficult to translate the experimental find- Of the essential oils identified in Table 1, clove oil has
ings into ‘real-world’ recommendations. Only one study, been researched the most extensively, and there are a
Table 1: Studies investigating the antifungal activity of essential oils for the control of fungi in indoor environments.

Treatment   Fungal species   Efficacy   Strengths   Weaknesses   Ref.

Extracts from heartwood (Pinus   Alternaria alternata, Fusarium   Wood specimens treated at the level of   – Moderate transferability of   – Unknown relevance of fungi to   (27)
rigida), eucalyptus leaves subglutinans, Chaetomium 2% concentration of heartwood extract results to real-world application environmental isolates (stock cultures
(Eucalyptus camaldulensis) and globosum, Aspergillus niger observed good inhibition to the mould (wood blocks were immersed in used)
creper ginger rhizomes (Costus and Trichoderma viride growth the treatment prior to placing
speciosus) on agar plates inoculated with
fungal species)
– Efficacy compared to DMSO as a
positive fungicidal control
– Multiple time periods assessed
Extracts from marjoram   C. globosum (ATCC 6205),   Marjoram extracts demonstrated   – Moderate transferability of   – Unknown relevance of fungi to   (28)
(Origanum majorana), thyme A. niger (ATCC 9642), excellent antifungal performance in the results to real-world application environmental isolates (ATCC strains
(Thymus vulgaris) and ginkgo Aureobasidium pullulans laboratory experiments and when applied (treated mortars were placed used)
leaves (Ginkgo biloba) (ATCC 15233), Gliocladium to the antifungal mortars on agar plates inoculated with
virens (ATCC 9645) and fungal spores. A mould growth
Penicillium pinophilum (ATCC index of 0–4 was then used to
11797) quantify the fungal growth.)
66      Whiley et al.: Indoor air and antifungal essential oils

– Efficacy compared to commercial

chemical antifungal agents
– Multiple time points
assessed, including long-term
performance (up to 12 months)
Extracts from myrrh   Acremonium strictum,   The antifungal efficacy of myrrh was   – Relevant fungal species used   – Limited transferability of results   (25)
(Commiphora myhrra) Aspergillus flavus, highly dependent on the sensitivity of (isolated from indoor air to real-world application (growth
Aspergillus sydowii, the fungal species. The highest growth environment) inhibition percentage calculate using
C. globosum, Cladosporium inhibition (74.6%) was against A. strictum – Fungicidal ability tested against disk diffusion assay)
cladosporioides, Cladosporium and the lowest growth inhibition (12.7%) a large number of fungal – Multiple time points were not
sphaerospermium, was against U. consortiale isolates assessed
Cladosporium – Efficacy not compared to a standard/
verrucocladosprioides, commercially available fungicide
Cochliobolus spicifer,
Drechslera biseptata,
Embellisia chlamydospora,
Eurotium amstlodami, Fusarium
semitectium, Myceliophthora
lutea, Penicillium chrysogenum,
Penicillium fellutanum,
Penicillium reticulosum, Phoma
tropica, Torula caligans,
Trichoderma psudokoningii and
Ulocladium consortiale
Table 1 (continued)

Treatment   Fungal species   Efficacy   Strengths   Weaknesses   Ref.

® ®
Cavicide and Virkon , 70%   Aspergillus fumigatus and   Tea tree oil demonstrated the greatest   –R
 elevant fungal species used   – Limited transferability of results   (15)
ethanol, vinegar (4.0%–4.2% P. chrysogenum inhibitory effect on the growth of both (isolated from indoor air to real-world application (growth
acetic acid) and tea tree oil fungi, followed by Cavicide® and Virkon®. environment) inhibition zones were measured
(Melaleuca alternifolia) Vinegar only inhibited P. chrysogenum –E
 fficacy compared to using disk diffusion assay on agar
and 70% ethanol had no inhibitory effect commercially available and antifungal activity in vapour
fungicides phase was assessed using by placing
a treated filter paper disk on the
inside lid of an agar plate containing
a fungal lawn)
– Multiple time periods were not
assessed for the disk diffusion method
Clove oil (Syzygium aromaticum)   Three white-rot fungi (Trametes  50 μg/g clove essential oil had 100%     – Limited transferability of results to   (29)
hirsuta, Schizphylhls commne, mortality to Reticulitermes chinensis after real-world application (antifungal
and Pycnoporus sanguineus) testing for 5 days index was calculated using the agar
(common causes of wood rot) dilution method)
– Unknown relevance of fungi to
environmental isolates (stock cultures
– Efficacy not compared to a
commercially available fungicide
– Multiple time points were not examined
Cinnamon oil (Cinnamomum   Aspergillus sp. (WU1003),   3% concentration of cinnamon and clove   – Moderate transferability of   – Unknown relevance of fungi to   (30)
verum) and clove oil Trichothecium sp. (WU1004), oil gave complete inhibition against results to real-world application environmental isolates (stock cultures
(S. aromaticum) Trametes sp. (WU1005) and Aspergillus sp. and Trichothecium (particleboards were treated used)
Gloeophylum sp. (WU1006) sp. on rubberwood particleboard for and then dipped into the – Efficacy was not compared to a
9 weeks. Particleboards treated with mould spore inoculum and commercially available fungicidal
clove or cinnamon oil were found to have then incubated in a humid control
reduced mass loss from Trametes sp. and environment)
Gloeophylum sp. compared to the controls. – Results were measured over time
The percentage loss of mass decreased with
increasing levels of clove and cinnamon oils
Cinnamon oil (C. verum) and   Aspergillus sp. WU1003 and   Dip treatment in cinnamon oil and clove oil   – Moderate transferability of   – Unknown relevance of fungi to   (31)
clove oil (S. aromaticum) Trichothecium sp. WU1004 at a concentration of 0.63% was capable results to real-world application environmental isolates (stock cultures
of providing complete protection for at (particleboards were treated used)
least 8 and 5 weeks, respectively. Contents and then dipped into the – Efficacy was not compared to a
of cinnamaldehyde and eugenol in the mould spore inoculum and commercially available fungicidal
particleboards, the main antifungal agents then incubated in a humid control
in cinnamon oil and clove oil, respectively, environment)
largely declined within the first 4 weeks of – Multiple time points assessed
incubation, which could explain the time
Whiley et al.: Indoor air and antifungal essential oils      67

limit of the fungicidal activity

Table 1 (continued)

Treatment   Fungal species   Efficacy   Strengths   Weaknesses   Ref.

Oregano (Origanum vulgare)   A. fumigatus,   Oregano demonstrated strong antifungal   – Relevant fungal species used   – Limited transferability of results to   (32)
essential oil Aspergillus nidulans, activity against all fungal isolates tested; (isolated from indoor air real-world application [antifungal
Aspergillus versicolor and one however, it was not as effective as biocide environment) activity was assessed using the
Penicillium species and benzalkonium chloride – Efficacy compared to commercial suspension-neutralisation method on
biocide (benzalkonium chloride) malt extract agar and the agar micro-
– Multiple exposure times were dilution technique (results reported
assessed as MIC and MFC)]
Essential oils from caraway   A. alternata, Stachybotrys   High antifungal activity   – Large number of essential oils   – Unknown relevance of fungi to   (33)
(Carum carvi L.), bitter orange chartarum, C. cladosporioides The group of most effective essential tested environmental isolates (stock cultures
(Citrus aurantium L.), bergamot and A. niger oils including coriander, lemon basil, used)
orange (Citrus bergamia Risso oregano, caraway, bay tree and thyme – Limited transferability of results
& Poit), coriander (Coriandrum achieved high inhibition levels up to to real-world application (agar
sativum L.), common juniper 100% across the entire spectrum of target microdilution method on potato
(Juniperus communis L.), English pathogenic fungi dextrose agar. Antifungal activity was
lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Moderate antifungal activity: reported as percentage of growth
Mill.) corn mint (Mentha arvensis English lavender, pennyroyal, corn inhibition compared to control.)
68      Whiley et al.: Indoor air and antifungal essential oils

L.), pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium mint and sage exceeded 50% inhibitory – Multiple time points were not
L.), basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), effect boundary level in all target assessed
lemon basil (Ocimum citriodorum species except A. niger. Marjoram also – Efficacy not compared to commercial
Vis), marjoram (O. majorana L.), did not exceed 50% inhibitory effect in fungicide
oregano (O. vulgare L.), bay tree C. cladosporioides
(Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) J.W. Low antifungal activity:
Moore), rosmary (Rosmarinus Bitter orange, bergamot orange, common
officinalis L.), common sage juniper,, basil, common sage, tansy and
(Salvia officinalis L.), sage (Salvia ginger all failed to reach 50% antifungal
sterea L.), tansy (Tanacetum inhibitive effect in a single target fungi
vulgare L.), thyme (Thymus
satureoides Coss. & Balansa.,
T. vulgaris L.) and ginger (Zingiber
cassumunar Roxb.)
Siberian fir (Abies sibirica L.),   The dominant species isolated   The highest fungicidal activity was   – Relevant fungal species used   – Limited transferability of results to   (34)
common caraway (Carum carvi from walls and air samples demonstrated by clove oil. All cultures (isolated from indoor air and real-world application (disk diffusion
L.), peppermint (Mentha piperita were A. versicolor, A. niger, were affected and the fungicidal zones surfaces of water damaged assay with results reported as
L.), willow-leaved gum tree A. fumigatus, Cladosporium ranged from 20 to 50.5 mm. This buildings) diameter of fungal inhibition zones)
(Eucalyptus globulus Labill.), sphaerospermum, fungicidal activity was comparable to the – Fungicidal ability tested against – Incubation time was describes as
lemon thyme (Thymus pulegioides C. cladosporioides, most effective disinfectant (Biosheen a large number of fungal 3–5 days. The effect of time was not
L.), clove tree (S. aromaticum P. chrysogenum, 20.9–57.5 mm). Next, fir oil was also isolates assessed
(Linn.) Merril & Perry) and P. aurantiogriseum, effective against all fungi tested, but its – Efficacy compared to commercial
bergamot orange (C. bergamia P. simplicissimum and fungicidal impact was less than that of disinfectants
Risso & Poit) clove oil
Table 1 (continued)

Treatment   Fungal species   Efficacy   Strengths   Weaknesses   Ref.

  Ulocladium chartarum.  
In addition, the fungus
Penicillium digitatum was
found spreading on the wall in
one case
Crude extract of glycoalkaloids   Aspergillus, Penicillium,   The extract of glycoalkaloids from   – Relevant fungal species used   – Limited transferability of results to   (35)
from nightshade (Solanaceae) Coprinellus, Fusarium, nightshade plants demonstrated only (isolated from building surfaces) real-world application (percentage of
plants Rhizoctonia and Stemphylium partial growth inhibition of Fusarium and growth inhibition was calculated using
genera Rhizoctonia the agar micro-dilution method)
– Incubation time was describes as
4–5 days. The effect of time was not
– Efficacy was not compared to
commercial fungicide
Essential oils from black peper   A. niger and Geotrichum   Highest antifungal activity shown   – Relevant fungal species used   – Limited transferability of results to   (36)
(Piper nigrum Linn.), castor oil candidum by clove, lemon, bitter orange and (isolated from indoor air and real-world application (MIC were
(Ricinus communis Linn.), cedar peppermint. The concentration of 5 ppm surfaces) determined using potato dextrose
(Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) Loud.), was as effectivity as 5 ppm Ketoconazole – Efficacy compared to agar plate needle-inoculated in the
clove (S. aromaticum Linn.), (positive control) and the lowest was commercially available fungicide centre with the antifungal agent)
eucalyptus (Merrill & Perry shown by castor oil, cedar and olive as positive control – Multiple time points were not
E. globulus Labill.), bitter orange assessed
(C. aurantium Linn.), lemon
(Citrus limon (Linn). Burm. f),
olive (Olea europaea Linn.), and
peppermint (M. piperita Linn.)
Thujopsene (found in the   A. niger, Aspergillus   Thujopsene demonstrated fungicidal   – Relevant fungal species used   – Limited transferability of results to   (37)
essential oil of a variety of ochraceus, A. sydowii, activity against only 5 of the 16 fungal (isolated from indoor air real-world application (disk diffusion
conifers) Aspergillus ustusa, strains tested environment) and agar well diffusion assay on malt
Botrytis cinerea, Eurotium – Fungicidal ability tested against extract agar and fungicidal activity
herbariorum, Gonytrichum a large number of fungal reported as growth inhibition zones)
macrocladum, Penicillium isolates – Efficacy not compared to
decumbensa, Penicillium – Multiple time points assessed commercially available fungicide
expansum, Penicillium
hirsutum, Penicillium
polonicuma, Penicillium
sp., Periconia britannicaa,
Rhizopus stolonifer,
S. chartarum and Ulocladium
Whiley et al.: Indoor air and antifungal essential oils      69
Table 1 (continued)

Treatment   Fungal species   Efficacy   Strengths   Weaknesses   Ref.

Cedar leaf oil (Thuja plicata)   Candida albicans and A. niger   C. albicans was readily killed by cedar leaf  – Moderate transferability of   – Unknown relevance of fungi to   (38)
oil. A. niger was inhibited but complete results to real-world application environmental isolates (ATCC strains
eradication was not achieved (dried films of fungi were used)
exposed directly to cedar leaf oil) – Efficacy not compared to
– Multiple time points assessed commercially available fungicide
Essential oil extracts from   Penicillium corylophilum,   Eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, thymol and   – Moderate transferability of   – Source of fungal isolates not reported   (39)
manuka (Leptospermum A. alternata and Cladosporium carvacrol completely inhibited the growth results to real-world application – Efficacy not compared to
scoparium) including eugenol, herbarum of the three test fungi at a concentration (initial experiment – growth commercially available fungicide
thymol, cinnamaldehyde, of 1% w/v inhibition was examined on malt
carvacrol, manuka oil, manuka All the extracts, including eugenol, extract agar containing essential
oil less triketones fraction and cinnamaldehyde and thymol virtually oil compared to growth of the
triketones completely inhibited the growth of control. Follow-up experiment –
P. corylophilum on unfinished gypsum the efficacy of eugenol,
board at 3% w/v and significantly thymol and cinnamaldehyde
reduced growth on the finished gypsum was evaluated against P.
boards corylophilum on gypsum board.
70      Whiley et al.: Indoor air and antifungal essential oils

Finished (sealed and painted)

and unfinished gypsum was
sprayed with the essential oil
treatment and then inoculated
with 107 spores/mL)
– Multiple time points assessed
Thyme essential oil and thymol   Aspergillus spp. A. versicolour,   Both thymol and thyme essential oil   – Relevant fungal species used   – Efficacy was not compared to   (40)
A. niger, A. sulphureus, A. showed strong fungicidal activity (isolated from building surfaces) commercially available fungicide
flavus, P. chrysogenum, Vapor phase of the thyme essential oil – Moderate transferability of – Multiple time points were not
P. brevicompactum, P. at concentration of 82 μg L−1 exhibited results to real-world application assessed
griseofulvum, Penicillium fungi-static and/or fungicidal activity [initial experiment – MIC and
spp., Alternaria spp., A. during 60 days of exposure in glass MFC were determined by using
alternat, Ulocladium spp., chambers. They were also demonstrated the serial broth dilution method.
Absidia spp., Mucor spp., C. to be sporicidal against all tested mould Follow-up experiment – the
spp., C. sphaerospermum, species activity of the vapour phase of
Trichoderma spp., Rhizopus essential oil of thyme was tested
spp., C. globosum, and by a modified micro-atmosphere
S. chartarum method]
Table 1 (continued)

Treatment   Fungal species   Efficacy   Strengths   Weaknesses   Ref.

Essential oils from lemon   A. niger   C. aurantifolia and C. reticulata exhibited     – Source of fungal isolates not reported   (41)
(C. limon) including C. paradishi, significant antifungal potency against – Multiple time points not assessed
C. sinensis, Citrus aurantifolia building fungi – Efficacy was not compared to
and Citrus reticulate commercially available fungicides
– Limited transferability of results to
real-world application (MICs were
calculated at different concentrations
of essential oils on potato dextrose
Volatile organic compounds   Natural fungi contained within   A slight decrease in fungal concentrations   – Comparatively transferable to   – Efficacy not compared to   (23)
(VOCs) produced from air samples was observed in the first 30–60 min but real-world application [300 μL commercially available fungicide
evaporating essential levels quickly increased to pre-treatment of each essential oil was diluted
oils indoors lavender concentrations with 50 mL water for use in
(L. angustifolis), eucalyptus incense evaporator with burning
(E. globulus) and tea tree candle in two rooms (21.6 m3
(M. alternifolia) and 28.2 m3). Changes in total
airborne fungal concentration
were examined by air sample
collection using Burkard
sampler and enumerated on
malt extract agar plates an hour
prior to treatment]
– Relevant source of fungi used
– Multiple time points assessed
Essential oil from pine tree   A. niger, Penicillium   Pine oil displayed fungicidal activity   – Relevant fungal species used   – Limited transferability to real-world   (42)
(Pinus sylvestris L.) funiculosum, P. chrysogenum, against all fungi tested, although the (isolated from indoor air application [MICs were determined
T. viride, Ulocladium effectiveness depended on the fungal environment) using oil diffusion on Czapek agar (for
oudemansii, Paecilomyces species and the concentration of pine oil fungi) and malt extract agar (for yeast
variotii, Phoma glomerata, S. and yeast-like fungi)]
chartarum and A. versicolor – Multiple time points not assessed
– Efficacy not compared to
commercially available fungicide

DMSO, Dimethyl sulfoxide; ATCC, American type culture collection.

Whiley et al.: Indoor air and antifungal essential oils      71
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number of studies (laboratory and in situ) that have Oregano

demonstrated that clove oil has strong antifungal capa-
bilities. The most robust study demonstrated that clove Oregano was identified as an effective antifungal agent
essential oil had fungicidal activity comparable to com- in a study by Zabka et  al. (33) using the agar microdilu-
mercial disinfectants and had the highest antifungal tion method. It was demonstrated to have high inhibition
efficacy compared with Siberian fir, common caraway, levels against all fungi tested (A. alternata, S
­ . chartarum,
peppermint, willow-leaved gum tree, lemon thyme and C. cladosporioides and A.  niger) and was more effective
bergamot orange against fungi isolated from indoor air compared to other essential oils, including English lav-
and surfaces (A. versicolor, A. niger, A. fumigatus, C. ender, pennyroyal, corn mint, sage, bitter orange, berga-
sphaerospermum, C. cladosporioides, P.  chrysogenum, mot orange, common juniper, basil, common sage, tansy
P. aurantiogriseum, P. simplicissimum, U. chartarum and and ginger. However, this study used stock culture fungi,
P. digitatum) (34). Another study that was designed to which makes it difficult to translate these results com-
have moderate transferability of results, by Yingpra- pared to studies using environmentally isolated fungi,
sert et  al. (31), demonstrated that particle board that and did not compare efficacy to that of commercially
had been dipped in 0.63% clove oil completely inhib- available fungicides. These findings were supported by
ited Aspergillus and Trichothecium for up to 5 weeks. By another study that also used the microdilution methods
increasing the concentration to 3%, it was found that to demonstrate that oregano displayed antifungal prop-
Aspergillus and Trichothecium were inhibited for up erties against A. fumigatus, A. nidulans, A. versicolor and
to 9 weeks and the percentage of mass lost as a conse- a Penicillium species isolated from the frescoes within a
quence of Trametes and Gloeophylum was reduced by monastery in Serbia. However, it was not as effective com-
5% (31). pared to the biocide benzalkonium chloride, a quaternary
These findings were supported by other studies that ammonium compound (32).
used agar plates spiked with clove oil to demonstrate that
it had higher antifungal efficacy against A. niger and G.
candidum compared with black pepper, castor-oil plant, Thyme
cedar, eucalyptus and olive (36). Also, a study using the
agar spiked method found that clove oil was 100% effec- Thyme was also identified as an effective antifungal agent
tive at controlling R. chinensis, a common white rot fungi in a study by Zabka et  al. (33), with greater fungal inhi-
found in wood surfaces (29). bition potential compared to essential oils from English
lavender, pennyroyal, corn mint, sage, bitter orange,
bergamot orange, common juniper, basil, common sage,
Tea tree oil tansy and ginger. However, this study used stock culture
fungi, which makes it difficult to translate these results
Two studies from Table 1 identify tea tree oil as a poten- compared to studies using environmentally isolated
tial antifungal agent. The most translatable study was Su fungi, and did not compare efficacy to that of commer-
et al. (23), which evaluated tea tree oil by evaporating it cially available fungicides. It was also demonstrated to
in a room and measuring the changes in fungal concen- have fungicidal and sporicidal activity in both the liquid
tration using an air sampler. This study is one of the few and vapour phases against fungal isolates collected from
investigations into applying essential oils as a fungicide in the walls of damp buildings in Slovakia (40). However, in
a real-world building environment. It was found that the other more robust studies, it was shown to be not as effec-
concentrations of fungi in the air initially decreased as a tive compared to clove oil, fir oil or marjoram (28, 34).
result of the VOCs from tea tree oil, but after 30–60 min,
the concentrations returned to normal background indoor
levels. However, one of the limitations of this study was Citrus
that it did not compare the efficacy of tea tree oil to that
of commercially available fungicides. Another study used Verma et al. (41) demonstrated that the volatile essential
the disk diffusion assay method to test tea tree oil against oils from lime (C. aurantifolia) and mandarin (C. reticulate)
A. fumigatus and P. chrysogenum isolated from indoor air exhibited significant antifungal potency against build-
samples and found that it had greater fungicidal activity ing fungi A. niger. This was followed up by another study
compared with some commercially available antifungal using a modified disk diffusion assay method (the essen-
agents (15). tial oil was needle-inoculated in the centre of the agar
Whiley et al.: Indoor air and antifungal essential oils      73

plate), which showed that 5 ppm concentration of lemon weakens the structure, increasing permeability, which is
essential oil was as effective as 5 ppm ketoconazole (a syn- responsible for the leakage of solutes across the mem-
thetic antifungal drug) against A. niger and G. candidum brane and causes cell lysis. For example, Shao et al. (50)
isolated from the surfaces and indoor air of buildings. The described this mechanism of action when applying tea
study also demonstrated essential oil from lemon to have tree oil on B. cinerea (an important fungus in viticulture
greater antifungal potential compared to castor oil, cedar and food spoilage). Tea tree oil was found to inhibit the
and olive (36). growth of the fungus and germination of spores was sup-
pressed. The cell wall structure was reported to have lost
its ultrastructure and showed thickening and rupturing.
Other essential oils demonstrating The authors concluded that the cell wall integrity was
­fungicidal potential destroyed, increasing the membrane permeability.
Overall, there is currently limited knowledge regard-
Other essential oils that demonstrated potential antifun- ing the antimicrobial mechanisms of essential oils, par-
gal activity in at least one study (Table 1) include heart- ticularly with regards to antifungal activity (36, 49). A
wood, marjoram, cinnamon, lemon basil, caraway, bay few authors have mentioned the antimicrobial activity of
tree, fir, peppermint, pine, cedar leaf and essential oil essential oils; however, the mechanism of action has not
extracts from manuka (eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, thymol been studied in great detail (49, 51). Chemical analysis
and carvacrol). of essential oils show that the major active components
are phenols, terpenes, aldehydes and ketones (52), and
it is generally believed that essential oils principally act
Essential oils demonstrating only moderate against cell cytoplasmic membranes of microorganisms.
or low fungicidal activity Hydrophobicity is an important characteristic of essential
oils and their components (51), which may enable them to
The essential oils identified in Table 1 which demonstrate accumulate in cell membranes, disturbing the structures
only moderate or limited antifungal activity include euca- and causing an increase of permeability.
lyptus leaves, crêpe ginger, ginkgo leaves, myrrh, English One study by Pinto et al. (49) demonstrated that clove
lavender, pennyroyal, corn mint, sage, bitter orange, ber- oil and eugenol (the main component of many essential
gamot orange, common juniper, common basil, night- oils) was found to be fungicidal as a result of extensive
shade, castor-oil-plant, olive, willow-leaved gumtree and lesion of the fungal cell membrane. In addition, clove oil
thujopsene (a compound found in the essential oil of a and eugenol reduced the quantity of ergosterol, a specific
variety of conifers). fungal cell membrane component. This resulted in inhibi-
tion of germ tube formation of C. albicans (49). Similarly,
it has been suggested that the antifungal action of tea tree
Mechanism of antifungal activity oil is as a result of its capability to change or damage the
function of fungal membranes (50, 53).
Understanding the mechanism(s) of action of different A great deal remains to be learned about the mecha-
antimicrobial agents is important to characterise effi- nisms of action of essential oils against fungal species.
cacy as one agent may not inhibit all microorganisms. Although some progress has been made with clinical
It is important to acknowledge the principal differences investigations, a greater understanding of these mecha-
between bacteria and fungi. The structures of fungi and nisms is clearly lacking for other environmental organ-
bacteria differ in significant ways, for example most fungi isms. Studies of the mechanisms of action relevant to
are diploid in nature and have longer generation time fungal species in indoor air would allow more efficient
compared with bacteria (46). This means that antibac- and effective use of these agents.
terial and antifungal agents target structures and func-
tions most relevant to the organisms to be inhibited. For
example, many antibacterial agents inhibit steps impor- Potential health effects – is ‘natural’ safer?
tant for the formation of peptidoglycan (47), the essential
component of the bacterial cell wall. In contrast, most The increasing interest in ‘natural’ products for controlling
antifungal compounds target either the formation or the microorganisms in indoor environments is due in part to
function of ergosterol (48, 49) an important component the perception of benefit (i.e. inhibition of fungal growth)
of the fungal cell membrane. This membrane interaction without the need for using potentially ‘harmful synthetic
74      Whiley et al.: Indoor air and antifungal essential oils

chemicals’. However, this assumption that ‘natural’ prod- However, despite these challenges, clove oil was iden-
ucts are not harmful to human health is flawed. tified as the best-performing essential oil within the more
Currently, there are limited studies investigating the robust studies. Additionally, there appears to be some evi-
potential adverse health consequences of repeated expo- dence to support the essential oils tea tree oil, oregano,
sure to essential oils. The oils themselves are complex thyme and lemon as potential antifungal agents with rel-
mixtures, which may contain naturally occurring contact evance to indoor air quality. Heartwood, marjoram, cinna-
sensitisers. In fact, some evidence suggests that they are mon, lemon basil, caraway, bay tree, fir, peppermint, pine,
potential skin allergens or sensitising agents (23, 54, 55). cedar leaf and manuka were also identified in at least one
An ideal antifungal agent would not generate toxic fumes study as having antifungal potential; however, there is a
during application and is non-irritating if accidentally need for more robust studies to examine these further.
exposed to skin. Skin irritation and skin sensitisation are Future studies should focus on comparing the effi-
different responses; skin irritation occurs on the first expo- cacy of these essential oils against a large number of
sure to the agent; the inflammatory reaction is typically fungal isolates from indoor environments. Studies will
rapid and the severity will depend on the concentration then need to focus on translating these results with in
of the irritant present, compared with skin sensitisation, situ studies investigating the effectiveness in actual build-
which is a complex allergic immunological response, with ings and assessing the potential for long-term antifungal
the reaction typically occurring after repeated exposure to persistence. The studies identified in this review, which
the chemical and is usually irreversible (i.e. once sensi- were either moderately or comparatively translational
tised, always react). Schaller and Korting (55) described a (23, 28, 31, 38–40), can inform the design of these studies.
case report of allergic contact dermatitis due to repeated However, they should additionally compare the efficacy
exposure to essential oil use in aromatherapy (applied of essential oils to commercially available fungicides and
topically or released as aerosols). There have also been examine the effect of time on fungicidal activity. Further-
several studies that have demonstrated exposure to more, when considering the application of these essential
essential oils exacerbated respiratory problems includ- oils in building environments, the effect of different con-
ing asthma, decreased pulmonary function and increased centrations, mechanisms of application and the potential
chest tightness (56, 57). human side effects must also be examined.
Thus, the perception that ‘natural’ is safer may not
necessarily be appropriate when considering essential oils Author Statement
for fungicidal treatment, and care must be taken with their Research funding: Authors state no funding involved.
repeated application in the indoor environment. Essen- Conflict of interest: Authors have no conflicts of interest to
tial oils should be considered in the same way that use of declare. Informed consent: Informed consent is not appli-
chemical fungicides would be, based on risk assessment. cable. Ethical approval: The conducted research is not
related to either human or animal use.

Conclusion and recommendations

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