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My name is Sarafina Bowen, and I'd want to introduce myself. I am a

bright and proud McGrath High School student in the 5t5 homeroom. I chose to
study the skilled subject of food nutrition and health because I used to see my
cousins carrying their practical baskets filled with various desserts and snacks
during my primary grades, and I made it my goal to do well in the subject area.
My dream began in grade 8 when we started doing minor baking practicals, but
it came to a halt when the Coronavirus emerged. I began to struggle with online
schooling, but I did my best to complete my schoolwork, and here I am in grade
11, finishing my portfolio.
During the coronavirus pandemic, I struggled to keep my average up, but
as Winston Churchill once said, "Success is Not Final; Failure is Not Fatal: It is
the Courage to Continue That Counts," so I kept going and got the results I
wanted. Cooking, writing, and reading are some of my favorite pastimes, and I
aspire to be a dentist in the future. Mathematics, Food Nutrition and Health,
Biology, Chemistry, English Language, Geography, and Information
Technology are the seven CXC subjects that I am currently studying.

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