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Clinical Field Experience C: Assessment Analysis Feedback

Jason Ma

Master of Education in Leadership, Grand Canyon University

EAD 533: Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders

Dr. Jim Hattabaugh

February 22, 2023

Assessment and Data Analysis Process


For this assignment, we analyzed the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)

test scores. The standardized test only assesses the junior class at my school in the content area

of English Language Arts (ELA) and Math. The junior math and English teachers will take three

to four days out of the testing period to proctor these tests for their students. Once the tests are

graded, the teachers who are in charge of analyzing the data are the principal, our English and

math teachers, and our On-Track (Intervention) teacher. The principal is there to oversee the

process and help answer and problem-solve if needed. The content area teachers analyze the data

to see what the students are excelling at and what knowledge gaps the students may possibly

have. The On-Track teacher uses this data to help target struggling students and provide them

with one-on-one assistance with their schoolwork. His goal is to help students improve their

grades and provide students with strategies or extra help to learn the material they need to learn.

When Analyzing this data, the teachers would compare student performance data to the

previous years to see how has the student performance been trending. The test is being scored

from 1 to 4 with 3 labeled as Standard Met and 4 as Standard Exceeded. From year to year, the

teachers look at how many students are within the three and four range versus the one and two

range. As the years progress, teachers want to see more students moving into the three and four

ranges and a decrease in the ones and twos range.

Academic Data and Dissemination to Staff

At the beginning of the year, one of our staff meetings shows all of the teachers how to

access this testing data through a program called Illumination Education. We are able to see the

breakdown of students’ SBAC scores in ELA and math. Using this program, all of the teachers

are able to see the test scores for all of our current students. We are also able to see the testing

results of our students from previous years to track student performance from year to year.

Consideration and Action Steps

As part of the analysis of these test results, our On-Track teacher is the one that is

heading the intervention program to help our students stay “On-Track” for graduation. This

includes helping the students improve their school work and improving their testing scores so

they reach the minimum standards for each content. Our On-Track teacher, Mr. M, provides

students with study strategies, tips, and tricks to help the students improve their grades in class.

His job involved helping students set a goal that they want to meet and helping guide them in any

way possible to reach that goal academically.

Improve Instruction/CIP

The data from the SBAC testing helps the content teachers see what the students are

lacking in ELA and math. This allows those teachers to analyze and reflect on how to improve

their instruction and how to target this missing knowledge to help future students improve on the

common knowledge that the students are missing within these content areas. As a part of the

school CIP, the ELA and math department will determine how to best utilize our LCAP funding

to help improve the scores, whether it is by hiring new support staff, or new material and

programs for students to use to practice these skills. The steps and the processes the ELA

department and the math department choose to take will be documented on our CIP.

PSEL Standard 4 and Implications for Future Practice

As a future leader, PSEL Standard 4 -Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment addresses

the need to use assessment data to monitor student performance and improve instructions

(NPBEA, 2015). Following the examples of my current administrators, I would like to also teach

my future teachers the tools provided for them to access student assessment data online and

consider this information when planning for their classes. Though some content areas are not

ELA or math, knowing how these students are performing in those classes may help teachers in

other subjects understand the limitations of certain students and how some of their students may

perform in their classes.



National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA) (2015). Professional

Standards for Educational Leaders, 2015. Reston, VA: Author

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