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Paragraph 1
__2__a. For a lightweight poster or sign, you can use either offset book stock or cover stock.
_ 4__b. You’ll probably have to take your publication to a commercial printer, however, since bristol
won’t feed through most desktop printers or copy machines.
__1__c. The type of paper you choose for a poster or a sign depends on how it will be reproduced and
how it is going to be used.
__3__d. If you need to create a more durable poster or sign, or create packaging, bristol stock is your
best choice.

1. There are many benefits to reading more often. First and foremost, reading more will broaden your
understanding of yourself and other people. It will also introduce you to new information and ideas.
Furthermore, it will improve your overall reading comprehension. In addition, reading more will improve
your vocabulary and increase your reading speed.

UNDERLINED WORDS: First and foremost, also, Furthermore, and In addition

2. It was just one of those days. First, I woke up an hour late. Then, I realized that my shirt had a big
stain on it. So I quickly changed and ran out the door. A few minutes later, I was standing at the bus
stop wondering where my bus could be. Suddenly, I remembered that I was supposed to set my clock
back an hour last night. That’s when I realized I wasn’t late – I was a whole hour early!

UNDERLINED WORDS: First, Then, So, A few minutes later, and Suddenly

Paragraph 1
The hotel is famous. It is one of the most well-known hotels in the country. The latest international
dancing competition was held at the hotel. The hotel spent a lot of money to advertise the event.
Because the hotel wanted to gain international reputation. But not many people attended the event.

• Some of the sentences are too short and has incomplete ideas.
• Repetitive use of the word “hotel” instead of replacing it with a pronoun
• The flow of the sentence is not good as it lacks the connection of the ideas.
• Lack of signal words that helps the reader follow the relationships between different parts of the
Paragraph 2
The hotel, which is one of the most well-known hotels in the region, wanted to promote its image around
the world by hosting the latest international dancing competition. Although the event was widely
advertised, not many people participated in the competition.

• Smooth flow of ideas in the sentences.

• The text is not repetitive as it did not use the same words.
• Uses signal words effectively, making the text easier to follow.
• The sentences have complete and comprehensible ideas that makes it easier to read compared
to the first paragraph.

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