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Introduction -------------------------------------------------- page#2

Academic Performance -------------------------------------------------- page#2

Family Background -------------------------------------------------- page#2

Experience at NUST -------------------------------------------------- page#2-3

Online-Learning -------------------------------------------------- page#3

Hobbies/Clubs -------------------------------------------------- page#3-4

Practical Experience -------------------------------------------------- page#3-4

Goals/Objective -------------------------------------------------- page#4

Skills Aquired -------------------------------------------------- page#4

Specialization -------------------------------------------------- page#5-6

Deficiencies in
Previous Semester --------------------------------------------------- page#5

Getting good grades

In CALD --------------------------------------------------- page#5

Opinion About life

And Work --------------------------------------------------- page#5

Profile Links --------------------------------------------------- page#6

Recent Picture --------------------------------------------------- page#6

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Name: Muhammad Musfir Baig

CMS ID: 409968
Academic Performance:
Matric Percentage: 95.09%

Fsc Percentage: 93.09%

Current CGPA: 2.41

I was born and raised in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. I have done my Matric from
Pioneer High School, Bahawalpur, and have done my Fsc (ICS) from The Leaders
College, Bahawalpur.
Family Background:
Both of my parents are employed. My father is an advocate, and my mother
teaches mathematics at a private school. We are a family of four siblings,
consisting of three brothers and one sister. I am the second eldest among my
siblings. My older brother is currently studying in his third year of MBBS at a
public medical college in our hometown, specifically at QAMC (Quaid-e-Azam
Medical College). He made our whole family proud by securing the top position in
the MDCAT exam with a score of 192/200, despite having a lower score of 91% in
his FSC. I am one year younger than my older brother. My younger sister is also
one year younger than me and is currently enrolled in FSC pre-engineering Part 2.
She is putting in her best effort to perform well in the NET (NUST Entry Test).
Lastly, we have a younger brother who has been recently promoted to class 4,
and he is dearly loved by our entire family.
My Experience at NUST:
NUST has been my dream university since 8th grade, and I have worked tirelessly
towards this goal. I had high expectations of the quality of education and campus
life, and fortunately, my expectations have been met. Even though I am an on-
campus hostelite, and far away from my family and hometown, I can confidently
say that the past five months have been the best of my life. NUST has provided
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me with an environment where I can connect with like-minded individuals and

continually improve myself through the challenging and competitive atmosphere.
However, there are some areas in which NUST can improve its academic
experience. For example, in the Applied Physics lab, I believe it would be more
beneficial for students to work in pairs instead of groups of five. This would allow
for a more hands-on experience and enable students to perform tasks more
efficiently. Fortunately, in the CALD lab, we were assigned to work in pairs, which
was more effective. Additionally, if teachers could provide recorded video
lectures, it would be easier to understand complex concepts by watching them
Despite these minor areas of improvement, I am satisfied with my experience at
NUST thus far, and I am grateful for the opportunity to study in this prestigious

My Experience with Online Learning:

To be honest, my experience with online learning has been a mixture of both
good and bad. However, I must admit that I enjoyed it to some extent because
during the pandemic, I was able to attend my favorite subject classes such as
maths and physics more attentively. On the other hand, I was able to skip online
live lectures for other non-technical subjects that I didn't like, such as Urdu and
Pak-studies, especially when the teachers at my college didn't deliver those
lectures well. This way, I could easily cover those subjects on my own, confident
in my ability to understand them. However, from a university point of view, online
learning may not be the best choice since university education involves more
technical subjects. At NUST, education is more focused on practical than
theoretical aspects, with four labs in our second semester alone. As such, now
that most of my subjects are technical, I believe online learning is not ideal.

Hobbies, Clubs, and Practical Experience:

In my free time, I enjoy watching movies, anime, and TV shows, as well as playing
badminton and basketball as my hobbies.
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As for clubs, I have joined three societies at NUST, namely SGA SEECS, YES - Youth
Entrepreneurship Society, and NCSC - NUST Community Service Club. In all of
these societies, I hold the position of graphics executive.

Goals/ Objective:
• Obtain an internship during the 2nd semester, preferably during the
• Start freelance career within 2-3 months
• Learn back-end web development
• Master major front-end web frameworks
• Hone Python programming language skills
• Create the best C++ end-semester project
• Seek employment during academic years
• Build strong connections with people
• Improve communication skills
• Focus on self-improvement and personal grooming
• Support parents
• Eventually, get married.
Skills Acquired:
• Proficiency in using Canva, an online graphics application.
• Intermediate level knowledge of Python programming language.
• Familiarity with basic concepts of JavaScript.
• Intermediate level proficiency in C programming language.
• Skills in playing basketball.
• Ability to climb walls.
• Basic level knowledge of Proteus.
• Basic level proficiency in using ModelSim and Verilog (HDL).
• Ability to power walk in order to travel from hostel to department within
10 minutes time.
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My future goal is to specialize in machine learning and data science. However, at

present, I am focused on mastering the development of web applications,
serverless apps, and cross-platform apps.

Deficiencies in My Previous Semester:

• I didn't review my daily lectures regularly, which made it challenging to
grasp all the concepts during mid-semester and final exam revision.
• My poor sleep routine in the previous semester caused me to feel drowsy
during lectures.
• I lacked knowledge about managing my university life effectively.
• There was a lack of proper counseling services available to me.
Getting good grades in CALD:
In my opinion, the following steps can be taken:
• Practice regularly and consistently.
• Approach each lecture with a mindset to learn something new.
• Stay motivated throughout the course.
• Listen attentively to the lectures, as if you are watching an interesting
• Ask relevant questions during the lectures to clear any confusion and
solidify understanding.
• Revise lectures on a daily basis to reinforce learning.
• Recall important concepts and information.
• Engage actively in the class.

Opinion About life and work:

Life and work are interconnected, as work is a significant aspect of most people's
lives. In my opinion, it is essential to strike a balance between the two and ensure
that work does not overshadow other important aspects of life such as family,
relationships, hobbies, and self-care. One cannot live without doing anything, so
work keeps one busy and give him purpose in his life.
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LinkedIn Profile Link:

Facebook Profile Link:

My Latest Picture (dated: 25 Feb 2023)

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