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Rationale – The City

By Filip Vopravil
I have created a comic on the story The city aimed for adolescents and grow-ups, as The City is quite
brutal and does feature some violence. Overall, I believe I did an outstanding job, even though I ran
into some problems.

I chose to create the comic on The City due to very graphic descriptions and a quite basic plot, which
is fitting for comics. I tried to create very graphic scenes of machinery and devices and give the comic
a suitable and captivating intro, so the reader would hook on and be immersed in an alien world. I
also attempted to use as little text as possible, so the comic would differentiate from the story. I did
have some problems with characterization of the city, since it is an inanimate object, but also a
protagonist, nevertheless I solved them by using visuals to characterize the city. I also had a go at
using different action and speech bubbles, creating suspense and dramatization.

In the end, I believe I created a very well-constructed comic, which successfully filled all the criteria,
and did my best effort to create a visually striking graphic novel.

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