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Technology has destroyed communication among friends and family

Technology is good and bad cause there is Positive and Negative Impact.

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical goals

of human life or, as it is sometimes called, to change and transformation of

the human environment. The development of technology is affecting the
direction of the growth of the society.

Positive impact on technology:

Technology is all over these days because it is so necessary to our lives; it

has aided us and made everything easier for us, including interacting with
family and friends. The Internet is essential since life, it would be much
more difficult without it. People will require Internet to make meetings with
the teacher and learn it is referred to (Distance Learning) Not just for
kids and for parents to stay up with the work when Coronavirus has begun.
We are able to shop for clothes, food, and toys online, without having to go
to a store or mall because of the internet. Some children are addicted to
the internet because it allows them to watch TV and play video games. All
these issues were solved because of technology.

Negative impact on technology

We should not look at electronic devices for longer than is necessary, as

this can cause your eyes to pain and give you a headache.

Although, technology has made our world better place, some people believe
technology has damaged intimate relations.

These examples demonstrate the importance of technology on education and

our daily lives; we need technology to improve ourselves and our lives;
technology makes our lives easier.

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