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Actividad 4.

Adjetivos, adverbios y determinativos


Alumna: Dalia Ordoñez González

Docente: Laura Daniela Beltrán Arriaga
Asignatura: Inglés básico en nutrición
Grupo: NA-NIBN-2201-B1-002

Grammar has called its basic elements as grammatical categories, so we have: nouns,
adjectives, pronouns, verbs, conjunctions and interjections. These integrate the sentence
and in it perform a specific function.

The study of the form and function of grammatical categories has been the main objective
of normative grammar, which indicates the appropriate uses of each element. In this unit we
have observed these aspects, because to use a language correctly it is essential to know
the particularities of its basic components.

Thus, whoever wants to write in Spanish properly, will need to know and use the elements
of the sentence based on the rules of the language, which has defined its components as

• Adjective: Natural adjunct of the noun that specifies the meaning of the name by
adding various circumstances and nuances to it.
• Adverb: It is an invariable part of the sentence that performs various functions, either
qualifying the verb, the adjective or another adverb. Indicates: place, time, mode,
quantity, affirmation, negation or doubt.
• Conjunction: It is an invariable element because it does not present modifications
in its form. It works as a link between sentences, between which it establishes a
relationship. They are classified as: simple when they consist of a single word (y, e,
ni, si); and in compounds when they present two or more words (although = even +
que, because = por + que).
• Interjection: Invariable part of the sentence that serves to express a spontaneous
feeling or the state of mind that a sudden event produces in the speaker. They are
classified as: proper (ah!, eh!, oh!, hu!, uf!, huy!) and improper (damn!, bravo!, come
on!, get out! take!, alert!, beware!, already!, wow!, snails!, etc.).
• Prepositions: They are invariable particles that serve to relate words, verbs or
nouns. They are proper (to, before, under, fits, with, against, from, des, in, between,
towards, until, by, for, according to, without, so, on and after) and improper (ad, des,
ex, in, inter, infra, sub, super, trans).
• Pronoun: It is the word that is used to replace a noun. They are divided into:
personal, possessive, demonstrative, reflexive, reciprocal and relative.
• Noun: It is the name given to objects, people, animals, cities or countries.
• Verb: It is the word that par excellence expresses an action done or suffered by the
subject, for example: the changes (grow, flourish, age), the movements (go, run,
travel), the alterations of the objects that are in relation with the outside world (break,
buy) ; and of course the activities or phenomena that occur (read, eat, do).

In addition to the definition, it is essential to know the relationship between the grammatical
categories; for example: the task of the adjective as a modifier of the noun, the function of
the adverb as a determiner of the verb and of course, the gender and number concordances
between each of the elements of the sentence.

Ejercicio 1.

Ejercicio 2.


Distinguishing the grammatical rules of the English language is extremely necessary to be

able to apply it to a context of everyday life. The correct uses of adjectives, adverbs and
determiners, allow us to make clear the idea that we want to convey and for which we will
correctly apply this language, both in our day to day and in our path as future health


• Unadm (s.f) Inglés básico en nutrición. PDF, Consultado el 12 febrero del 2022, de:
• (s,a)(s,f) Adjetivos determinativos. Consultado el 12 febrero del 2022, de:
• (s,a)(s,f) El adjetivo determinativo. Consultado el 12 febrero del 2022, de:


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