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Use of the cell

How much do you use your phone when you're with your friends?
I use my cell phone daily and when I'm with my friends I try not to use it but anyway there as a
relationship between all and we will have to interact in some other way with the phones whether
we want it or not,
What do you think are the pros and cons of mobile phones?
I think the pro would be the joy that gives us to communicate with our loved ones remotely
make video calls to be able to write to each other from a distance away as I just said it can be
implemented as a use of work we can also make orders and endless things.
Against would come to be for me because the distance of the relatives in meetings since they
only happen on the phones because the didactic learning of the children because they also spend
playing on the phone one of the cons can also be to feel unprotected since we can not go out
with the cell phone in the street because we are afraid of being robbed.
Are we losing the art of conversation?
It is the ability that human beings have to share ideas, thoughts and emotions with the one we
have by our side. Talking is much more than talking. It is the perfect combination of listening,
learning, thinking, understanding and dialogue. And, sadly, from my point of view, it is an art
that is being lost.
In my opinion it is losing too much what is the art of conversation between family friends co-
workers since as it happens everywhere some are talking others on the phone and as it happens
to me normally at work It is that I say something and all are on the phone or I give some order
and then on the phone then. Serious personal would come to be that yes is losing and much the
art of conversation

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