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Nowadays cell phones are very important for our lives, it is very
easy to use and has been improving in recent months. My cell
phone is essential in my daily life since I use it for almost
everything in my studies. I also used it to communicate with my
parents or friends far distances.
What I think is that my cell phone is very important due to the
fact it makes it easy for me to communicate with my classmates
to talk about homework or communicate with my cousins every
day. But one of the disadvantages is that I get very distracted for
example sometimes I don´t do my homework because I am
texting with my friends. Another disadvantage would be that for
example when we have lunch, my whole family is chatting or
watching videos on their cell phones and there isn´t
communication as before.
As a result, I use my cell phone but with responsibility for
example last month I have made a schedule to know at what
time I should use my cell phone and do my homework. Today I
am not doing my homework at the last minute, which is very
stressful, and I use my phone only when necessary.

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