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Desirei I. Jimenez

As a teacher, how do you innovate to make education relevant during this COVID-
10 pandemic?       

For the past days, my life revolves around these four corners of my room. Sleep,
eat, read, video call with friends, repeat. Everything is mind-numbing. The smell of my
room felt me dizzy. My favorite playlist irritates me and the air from the electric fan
annoys me already. I am like a prisoner in my house and in my thought. I am afraid to
go out and I don’t want to go out.

             I am a teacher in a remote school. Every day is a challenging day because

the school is distant and the road is not good. It may be hard but it’s fulfilling especially
when we share laughter from my colleagues and my students. But now, life is boring
because I cannot do the things I used to.  No more classes. No more travel goals, no
more “lafang” goals. Just stay at home goals.

             Sometimes, I had a video call with my students. I missed them and I’m
worried about them. I always remind them to read because the resuming of classes will
take some time due to the virus. It was said that “No vaccine, no class at all.”

             That’s why I do a lot for my students. Due to my student’s location, they
have a poor internet connection, so I logged in to DEPED commons and screenshot
everything then sent it to our group chat so that everyone can answer the quiz. I also
posted lessons and reading materials. Sometimes question and answer portions are
conducted although not everyone can participate at least they can read the
conversation whenever they had time to go online. I know they are busy taking good
care of their cow, carabao or maybe they are farming. And I understand their part. 

             While doing this. I did not waste my time for myself. I did not let the virus
to stop my goals in life as a teacher. I continue my masters at Cebu Technological
University as they offer blended learning. Even though I just stayed at home, at least I
am pursuing my goals to become a master teacher someday. 

Since work from home has started, I have a lot of things to do already.
Being a teacher is not an easy job. You have a lot of things to consider. Especially in
this time of the pandemic, there are a lot of reminders coming from our school head
during the telecommuting. Not to do these, not to do that, we must do these and so on.
“My goodness it so overwhelming but anyway it is my job, it is my profession so, it is my
vocation as well. 

As a teacher especially in a remote school. Students there considered me

as a perfect creature living in this mundane world. They admired everything about me. I
felt so grateful every time they said they missed me, they appreciate me and idolize me.
It is so cute. As cute as I am.  Oh, I miss them so much. The feeling of being loved by
the students is so fulfilling. That’s why I always follow up with them. I always encourage
them to read and study so they cannot forget the lesson whenever classes start.

Good thing my students will always listen and obey my words. And that’s
how nice they were. They said they felt so sad because they haven’t seen me, and
haven’t attended my class anymore. So, even though I am just here inside the four
corners of my room, I have done something. I would love to quote from Elsa’s line,
COVID-19 “did not bother me anyway”. Well, that is in terms of educating and inspiring
my students. I will not stop even if there is no vaccine for COVID-19. I can do it in a
simple way. As what they said, “Great things come from small beginnings.” 

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