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In society, there can be many people that persevere in what they do or have a great

motivation for doing something, but I believe that you need both of them to achieve success,
and their combination is called “Grit”. Psychologist Angela Lee refers to Grit as “ the passion
and perseverance for Long-Term goals. Having Stamina. Sticking with your future, day in,
day out, not just for the week nor months, but for years, and working really hard to make that
future a reality”. Lee’s reference to Grit refers to the that, to achieve something, we need to
be with the feelings for success on (motivation) and work hard for achieving it
(perseverance). I agree totally with Lee’s words because if we want to achieve great things
in life, regardless of the circumstance, we need to make an effort to progress until we arrive
at the goal, and moreover, to dream, yearn for what we want so that would move forward the
progress until the achievement.

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