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Email #1

From: Peta
To: Seyodu

Subj: Coalition on having the pilot to a confined area rather than the whole restaurant.

Hi Seyodu,
As you know I’m the new project manager for the Sauce and Spoon and I’m really
happy to have you in my team.
As Omar asked, rolling out the Pilot to all the restaurants as you have said might
affect the dining experience. Although there are some pros of having a tablet in the
dining area of the bar, it's always better to have someone for suggestions that make
the people comfortable and make their dining experience more beautiful.
I think we should talk to Omar regarding this and I hope you stand on the same point.

Project Manager

Email #2

From: Peta
To: Alex

Subj: Coalition on having the pilot to a confined area.

Hi Alex,
As you know I’m the new project manager for the Sauce and Spoon and I’m really
happy to have you in my team
As Omar asked, rolling out the Pilot to all the restaurants as you have said might
affect the dining experience. Although there are some pros of having a tablet in the
dining area of the bar, it's always better to have someone for suggestions that make
the people comfortable and make their dining experience more beautiful.
I think we should talk to Omar regarding this and I hope you stand on the same point.

Project Manager

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