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Karsen Bryan shares her heart behind her

involvement on Anderson University’s campus

By Annie Black

Karsen Bryan at the BCM Fall Retreat in 2021. Photo Credit: Annie Black

Anderson University offers a multitude of opportunities for students to get plugged-

in and involved across campus. Karsen Bryan took full advantage of these
opportunities when she made the decision to attend Anderson.

Bryan is well known and loved around campus due to her high involvement. Not
only is she an Alpha Leader, BCM leader, and Executive Director of Operations for
Anderson’s Student Government Association, but she also works for Base Camp
during her summers as a Student Involvement intern.

The Lord brought Bryan to Anderson when she interviewed for a scholarship on
campus, yet she was still undecided about attending. However, she knew Anderson
University was where she wanted to spend her next four years after she was
welcomed with such hospitality and kindness.

It is clear how much Bryan loves Anderson because she has nothing but good things
to say about it. One of her favorite aspects of campus life is getting to do life
alongside her best friends while obtaining an education and loving the Lord openly.
She spoke of how Anderson has presented her with lots of opportunities.

“Anderson has presented me with more opportunities than I will ever experience
again, not just professionally, but also in terms of building community and growing
my faith,” stated Bryan.

When asked what her most rewarding role is on campus, without missing a beat
she responded with “leading my BCM girls.” She has loved getting walk beside them
and watch them grow in the Lord. Not only has she seen them grow in their faith
but has grown in her own faith through them. Leading her girls has taught her what
it means to be a servant for the Lord in a way that she didn’t understand before.

Bryan is a very busy, full-time student. She admitted that she is still learning how to
balance all the things she is involved in. She stated, “It’s definitely difficult, but it is
by the grace of God that I am able to do all the things I do.”

Bryan is a testament to how Anderson University welcomes their students to

become involved across campus. Not only does it benefit the university, but it
greatly benefits the students that get to be a part of it.

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