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In my mind, the research topic I would like to pursue is urban design

catered to children in the Philippines. It is stated that in 2030, 60% of the

demographic who will be living in cities are 18 years and below (Save the
Children). Furthermore, more than 90% of rapid urbanization will occur in
Asia. However these stated facts only covers the urban area as a whole and
it’s a generalization; this often hides the situation of those who are
unreachable, poorest and most vulnerable residences. My research would
be based from Anupama Nallari, she’s an Urban Advisor of cities4children
This research will serve as their voice to show other like-minded individuals
that there is so much more to fix and improve in the Philippine’s urban

The questions I intend for my conducted research to respond to are: “What

are the major components that cause urban growth?” “What do the
children experience on a day-to-day basis?” “What can our urban
designers do to make it a better experience to the children?”

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