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Q1 Define transportation.
Q2 Name 2 process which help in movement of substances in unicellular organisms.
Q3 Write the transportation of following in plants-
1. Food
2. Water and minerals
3. Carbon dioxide
4. Oxygen
Q4 What helps roots in absorbing water from soil?
Q5 What is xylem?
Q6 What is phloem?
Q7 What do you mean by vascular tissues?
Q8 Define transpiration. Give its 2 advantages.
Q9 Give 3 main parts of circulatory system.
Q10 Define heart.
Q11 What divides the heart lengthwise?
Q12 What divides the heart into chambers? Name the 2 chambers.
Q13 Explain how heart helps in transportation of oxygen. 3
Q14 What are blood vessels. Name 3 blood vessels.
Q15 Explain 3 blood vessels giving its role.
Q16 Which - veins or arteries have thick walls? Why?
Q17 How blood flows only in One Direction that is towards heart?
Q18 Define blood ? Name the components of blood.
Q19 Mention the role of components of blood
Q20 What is known as respiratory carrier?
Q21 Give 4 important functions of blood.
Q22 Define pulse.
Q23 Define systole and distole.
Q24 Fill in the blanks -
1. Plasma makes up ____ percent of body blood volume
2. Human heart beats ___ times per minute and during exercise ___ times per minute.
Q25 Define excretion.
Q26 How kidneys help in excretion? 3
Q27 How is sweating beneficial?

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