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Reproductive System
✓ Production of female sex cells
o The reproductive system produces female sex
cells, or oocytes, in the ovaries.
✓ Reception of sperm cells from the male
o The female reproductive system includes
structures that receive sperm cells from the male
and transports the sperm cells to the site of
✓ Nurturing the development of and providing nourishment for the new individual
o The female reproductive system nurtures the development of a new individual in
the uterus until birth and provide nourishment in the form of milk after birth.
✓ Production of female sex hormones produced by the female reproductive system control
the development of the reproductive system itself and of the female body form. These
hormones are also essential for the normal function of the reproductive system and
reproductive behavior.
The uterus is a hollow muscular organ located in the female pelvis between the bladder and
rectum. The ovaries produce the eggs that travel through the fallopian tubes. Once the egg has
left the ovary it can be fertilized and implant itself in the lining of the uterus. The main function
of the uterus is to nourish the developing fetus prior to birth.
The placenta is a large organ that develops
during pregnancy. It is attached to the wall of
the uterus, usually at the top or side. The
umbilical cord connects the placenta to the

Blood from the mother passes through the

placenta, filtering oxygen, glucose and other
nutrients to the baby via the umbilical cord. The placenta also filters out substances that could be
harmful to the baby and removes carbon dioxide and waste products from the baby’s blood

The placenta can form anywhere in the uterus. It develops wherever the fertilized egg implants
into the uterine wall. Some of the positions of the placenta are:
⚫ Posterior placenta: The placenta grows on the back wall of the uterus.
⚫ Anterior placenta: The placenta grows on the front wall of the uterus closest to the
⚫ Fundal placenta: The placenta grows at the top of the uterus.
⚫ Lateral placenta: The placenta grows on the right or left wall of the uterus.
Patient Teaching
✓ Watch for any vaginal bleeding or signs of labour.
✓ Follow the healthcare provider’s instructions about doing routine activity or light
✓ Tell all healthcare providers who examine that must not have pelvic examinations
because of having placenta previa.
✓ Ask the healthcare provider if you can have sexual intercourse. It’s commonly
recommended that if you have placenta previa not to have intercourse after 28 weeks of
✓ Do not put anything, such as tampons or douches, into the vagina. Use pads if you are
bleeding, and call the healthcare provider or nurse call line.
✓ Follow the healthcare provider’s instructions about how often to count the baby’s
✓ Do not use tobacco or tobacco-like products, including cannabis, and other substances.
They can harm your health. They also affect the baby’s growth, health, and the
development of the brain and lungs.
✓ Do not drink alcohol. Alcohol affects everyone differently and may be a risk to your
health. Alcohol passes through the placenta to your baby and can cause problems with
their growth, health, and development.

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