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Name: _____________________________________ Date: __________________
Address: ___________________________________ Section: ________________
Modify True or False (2 points each)
Write A if both statements are true
Write B if both statements are false
Write C if the first statement is true and the second statement is false
Write D if the first statement is false and the second statement is true
____1. Grammar ability needs to be accurate, meaningful, and ____7. Grammar adds meanings that are not easily inferable
appropriate- well, maybe other teachers have quite from the immediate context
different views of grammar Grammar hinders us to use language to describe the
Grammar is more than just a form. world in terms of how, when, and where things happen.
____2. Semantics and pragmatics are not important parts of ____8. Chomsky did believe that exposure to a language was
grammar knowledge. enough for a young child to become efficient at
Knowing the differences between these components of
understanding and producing a language.
grammar knowledge cannot help you as future grammar
Grammar rules should be contextualized and should
teachers to be more effective.
____3. Phonology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics are make sense.
important in studying grammar ____9. Grammaring is sometimes used to refer to the process by
Sounds of Language ― Morphology which language learners use grammar to create
____4. Structure and form of words ― Phonology messages through
Arrangement of words into larger units – Syntax Grammaring emphasizes grammar as a dynamic process
____5. Functions of language & its use in context ― rather than a system of rules.
Pragmatics ____10. Noam Chomsky (French linguist), introduced the
Meanings of Language ―Semantics concept of grammaticalization in his 1912 study
____6. Grammar is not the system of a language “L’evolution des forms grammatical.
Pragmatics is the system of rules and categories that Antoine Meillet believed that humans are born with an
allows humans to form and interpret the words and innate ability to learn languages.
sentences of their language.
Multiple Choice | Encircle the letter of the most correct answer (1 point each)
21. Rules should show clearly what the limits are on the use 26. are the language utterances or statements that stem from the
of a given form. function, the situation, and the topic.
A. Limitation A. Relevance
B. Clarity B. Exponents
C. Simplicity C. Code
D. Familiarity D. Code Switching
22. Rules should be clear. Lack of clarity is often caused by 27. is the shared language of a community of speakers
ambiguity or obscure terminology. A. Relevance
A. Limitation B. Exponents
B. Clarity C. Code
C. Simplicity D. Code Switching
D. Familiarity 28. is a change or switch in code during the speech act, which
23. Rules should be simple. Lack of simplicity is caused by many theorists believe is purposeful behavior to convey
overburdening the rule with sub-categories and sub-sub- bonding, language prstige or other elements of
categories in order to cover all possible instances and interpersonal relations between the speakers.
account for all possible exceptions A. Relevance
A. Limitation B. Exponents
B. Clarity C. Code
C. Simplicity D. Code Switching
D. Familiarity 29. This method allows teachers to tailor their lessons to the
24. An explanation should try to make use of concepts different learning styles of students.
already familiar to the learner. A. Interactive Teaching
A. Limitation B. Notion
B. Clarity C. Code
C. Simplicity D. Code-switching
D. Familiarity 30. are meaning elements that may be expressed through
25. A rule should answer only those questions that the student nouns, pronouns, verbs, prepositions, conjunctions,
needs to be answered. These questions may vary according adjectives, or adverbs
to the mother tongue of the learner A. Interactive Teaching
A. Relevance B. Notion
B. Exponents C. Code
C. Code D. Code-switching
D. Code Switching

Enumerations | At the back of your paper enumerate: (1 point each)

At least the nine (9) methods of teaching grammar (31-39) Bonus item number 40
Essay | At the back of your paper Make a precise explanation about the following (5 points each)
Differentiate between spoken and written languages (41-45)
Meaning of PPP (46-50)

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