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What is data processing?

*It is the process of collecting data and converting it into information. It may be manual (where
only human effort is used), semi-manual where human effort is aided by an electronic device or
mechanical/electronic, where computers replace human effort. Eg tinotora ma answers enyu ese
patinovhunza question muclass zvakanaka nezvisina tinounganidza such we produce a good
answer mushure mekunge tabatanidza pfungwa dzenyu.... All your minds or answers we can say
it is RAW toita polish up them to meaningful answers or minds

.*Any information is proper good or bad we take till we formulate useful information.... Mukati
menhema imomo mune chokwadi.... So we process nhema idzodzo kusvika dzava ne
meaning...tikatora zita rako first name and surname number dzechitupa date of birth tikazviisa
pamwechete zvatova ne meaning yatova national identity ID zvese zvatasanga isa apa thats raw
information yazova useful pataiisa paID That's data processing

Centralized data processing

*This is where data is sent to and processed at a central pose pamunoenda kuma passports
kuzvimbo dzamogara Masvingo, bulawayo, mutare nyanga, chinhoyi Gweru chiredzi Zaka jerera
muchisiya information yenyu names date of birth gander and pay money information iyoyo
inotumirwa kuharare paMakombe building ikoko ndokunoitwa zvese print out of your passports
ozotumirwa back kwawakarevistira mozonzi uyai mutore. So centralized iyi kureva kuti zvinoitwa
panzvimbo imwechete.

#Kuunganidza zvinhu kubva kwakasiyana toitira panzvimbo imwechete. Eg purchasing class

makabva kwakasiyana mukauya pacollege modzidzisirwa panzvimbo imwechete than kukubingai
kudzimba that is centralized yacho.

Advantages of Centralized Data Processing

1. All required information can be got from one place/information yedu inowanika
kuunganidzwa pamwechete
2. Little distortion of information.... Distortion kureva kubiwa /kurasika kweinformation
3. Easy to manage and control
4. Cheaper to implement
5. Easier to enforce standards
6. Is not complicated
7. The emergence of data takes place only at one place.
8. The loss of data is minimized.
9. The methods and machines can be standardized.
10. Services of more competent and technical personnel can be taken.
11. It is also very cost-effective particularly in the case of large operations.
12. Duplication of work can be avoided

Disadvantages of Centralized Data Processing

1) The whole system is disturbed when the computer is down.panozouya dambudziko rokuti if that
information lost z akuda kudzokera Masvingo kunopiwa futi which is costly

2) Users of the system have little control over the data even their own... Vanoshandisa ma
computers acho Havana overall excess ne information yacho

Distributed Processing

*Data is processed at different points in the organisation. Branch or department may have a
microcomputer or minicomputer that processes the information. The minicomputer in the branch
then sends to a host computer after processing. Apa tinenge tichitaura kuti data or information
inogadzirwa or organized from different branches of one organization yozotumira kuHQ
headquarters kune yatinoti host computer inogamuchira data from all other branches

Advantages of Distributed Processing

1) Data lost at any point may be recovered from the host/information ikarasika toenda or
kutumirwa from host computer

2) Faster processing of data /information inokurumidza kubuda nokuti yakacbengetwa from

different computers or savers as well

Disadvantages of Distributed Processing

1) The system needs expensive equipment and has high maintenance costs.
2) Management and control is difficult zvonetsa kumanager sokuti zvikugadzirwa from different
branches from distance places. Uye control yacho inonetsa nokuti hazviitwe panzvimbo

Batch Processing

A central computer system normally processes all transactions against a central data base and
produces reports at intervals. In batch processing transactions are accumulated over a period of
time and processed periodically zvoreva kuti one computer inoshandiswa to do all the information
asi kuti inoshanda ichiburitsa magapa magapa or kuti group by group nenguva yakafanira.

Advantages Batch Processing

1) It is economical when large amounts of data are being processed/kureva kuti zvakachipa kana
tichida kuburitsa basa rakawanda... Economical means Cheaper...

2) Suitable where reports and information is needed periodically.yakanaka kushandisa panodiwa

ruzivo or data pazvinodiwa panguva dzakasiyana uye nguva dziri muchikamu nechikamu

On-line Processing

It is the input of transactions while the input device is connected directly to the main CPU of the
system. There is no necessity of a batch kungoshanda our phones or macomputers to share
information takaita connect to each other eg use of SHARE it mopanana movies music documents
and assignments as well.. No need for batch kungoburigsa zvese ka1

Disadvantages On-line Processing

1) Master files are often out of date.... Apo zvakureva kuti the main saver can't be always updated
nokuti information yacho inosvika nguva dzakasiyana from different centers or branches saka
zvotora nguva huru kuti data riiswe pamwechete

2) Immediate updated responses cannot be made...nepapa tirikuti hapana mhinduro dzinobuda

nekuchimbidza nokuti everything need to be updated first from all branches of the organization

Advantages OF On-line Processing

1) Items can be input much easier and quicker. Faster, cheap ipapo
2) Many errors are dealt with by the operator at entry... Zvakaresveka can be corrected z
ogadziriswa before final documents

Online Real Time Processing

It is the continual receiving and rapid processing of data as to be able to feedback the result of that
input to the source of that data. There is no delay between the input of a transaction and the
updating of the master files for the transaction. Iri fast iyi inogamuchira information or data and
process it ichibva yagopa feedback nokukurumidza munguva duku

Disadvantages Online Real Time Processing

1) The system may be more expensive than batch processing..... Inodhura System setup yacho

2) Sometimes accuracy of data depends on the operator who might fail to detect or prevent some
errors. Zvakuenderana nemunhu akuita capture the data ane ruzivo runosvika papi

Advantages Online Real Time Processing

1) Processing is instantaneous...process yacho inoita ipapo ipapo semushonga wemapete unouraya

ipapo ipapo. Instantly /fast

2) Files and databases are always up to date. Always available information yaunonga ukuda

Disadvantages Online Real Time Processing

1) The systems are expensive to buy and complex to develop and put up.inodhura through out

2) Data with errors may be processed with damaging effects information isina kuzara imogona
kuburitsiwa without corrected

Time Sharing Processing

Processor time is shared between users to provide multi-access (many users accessing data at the
same time). This can be done by minicomputers and mainframe computer systems.vanhu
vakawanda can use this process at once and can share information nguva imwechete iyoyo. By use
of our personal computers atinawo iwaya

Advantages Time Sharing Processing

1) Each user is given a chance

2) More than one person can use the computer at the same time.

Disadvantages Time Sharing Processing

The user may not require a service at the time his slice is given - this results in too much excess
capacity at some paunoita Google assignment unoona kuti too much information
produced and it will confuse you... Pop up of advertising agencies dzinobuda zvausinei nazvo can
be a problem uchiita basa ipapo


*Is a collection of organized information in a regular structure, usually but not necessarily in a
machine-readable format accessible by a computer?

*A database is a collection of related data or records that represents the aspect of real world

*It is an electronic way that allows data to be easily accessed, manipulated and updated

*A database is an organized store of information, for example an address book, list of

employees, list of students, customers or items of assets. Ndimo matinochengetera all the
necessary/ important information yatinoda kushandisa pangava la company or business

@ Example pacollege Masvingo poly. Munhu wese anodzidza pacollege ari mudatabase recollege

*Database is a shared and integrated collection of logical and related records or files into a common
pool that provides data for once or more. But those names are in groups or folders.... Accounting
department rine folder raro reg, Marketing and human resources also purchasing and supply


*helps in storing and organize information even helps to get back information lost

*Easier data sharing leading to economies of scale

*reduced data redundancy

*data can be defined and described separately from the application programme. Where there is no
data independence a change in any record would then necessitate the changing of the programme
to access the file.

*Data independence kureva information iri solid yatinayo isina need kuwedzerwa coz it is enough
from the trust.... Eg Tafadzwa Chikwanda hapana chinodiwa kuwedzerwa it’s enough coz it's a

Data redundancy

*Chete chete towana student number yako or personal information yako in many files but
ichishanda basa rimwechete or same serving same purpose

Data inconsistency

*data inconsistency pane pane information isina kurongiwa accordingly information iri outdated
yekumashure iri mixed... Inconsistency.... this is when redundant data is not updated accurately so
much that there are differences in the data elements on the different files. Information yacho inonga
yakasiyana eg 2020 tafadzwa chikwanda is an NC accounting. Then 2021 information
ikungotiudza tafadzwa chikwanda is NC accounting instead of telling us he is ND1 2021....

Define data security

*This refers to measures to reduce unauthorized access to, use and destruction of an organisations
data and data resources. Zvazvoreva APA zvese zvatingashandisa kudzivirira kutorwa kwe
information or data redu muma computers zvisina mvuma yedu varidzi ve data

Explain in brief security of equipment

*There is need to look after the computer hardware well to avoid loss of data or the computers

*The example: use of passwords

#kureva kuti kudzivirira midziyo yatinayo anova macomputers acho kuti asasangana nejondzi
dzese. We can use passwords, kuti munhu wese asangovhura computers. Or make sure the
computer is not close to any harmful eg water or direct sunlight for the screen.

List and explain the necessary/conditions environment for a computer room/labs

# Ventilation systems. Air corn. Tables bugler bars chairs

# Bugler bars to avoid theft

# Air corn ceiling n tiles to avoid overheating of computers

#fitted tables n computers same reason avoid theft and embezzlement. Flash to keep the data,
external hard drives to store data in the computer. Use of anti-virus... Use of laptop bag.

#this can trap dust n insects as well

# well tried... We can manage to trace by use of cameras if the computers are being stolen.. It
identifies the criminal

# should be carpeted to trap dust

# Use of surge protectors adapters they are strong and can control power supply

# Security guards have a twenty-four hour guard to the room.inofara kuchengetwa computer room

#attach computers permanently to desks using clamps to avoid theft of the computer(s). Ma
computers acho should be nailed pama tables acho kuti asasimudziwa nyore

Define electronic mails

*Email =electronic mail is commonly referred to as the e-mail. Every user of the e-mail has a
unique address. E-mail addresses have an @, for example,

*Electronic mail is a way of exchanging messages using devices wc are electronc

*But mostly we recognize electronic mail as the mail coz it contains attachments

Advantages electronic mails

*it is fast


*One can send Cvs, assignments and other documents using email

*Billions of messages a exchanged on email in one day

*One can send and receive messages the same way an ordinary letter is sent and received

*Messages are received instantly

*Provides certainty of delivery of mail Reading, sending replies, redirecting massages is faster

*COST: Generally cheaper than ordinary mailLess or no paper used.

*Timeless time spent on the phone waiting to be put through, finding people Unobtainable, holding
the line because line is engaged and leaving messages and having to call again

*Flexibility: Anyone with a PC at home can send and receive messages out of office hours.

Messages can be sent and received at any computer that is linked to the network.

Disadvantages electronic mails



*Delay: if a recipient takes long to log on, the speed advantages is lost. If there is a problem with
the recipient’s server, one may not know immediately if the message has been received or not

What is intranet?

*Intranet is a network which is restricted created using a software.

*An intranet is a private network that can only be accessed by authorized users.

*Intranet is a relatively smaller private network that uses internet protocols and connectivity so
duties are the above emails use.... Zvese zvatatichitaura sending n receiving emails /information

What is E-commerce?

*E commerce is buying and selling of guys and services using internet eg money transactions

*The gud reason for using E commerce is that businesses have opportunities to penetrate the
market with their products
*E-commerce the internet transactions of goods and services to businesses and consumers..

Saka is a platform used to do business

Define internet

*Internet a network used to communicate through a protocol /allows communication/research

/communications facilities

*Internet is a worldwide network that allows computers to communicate

*The internet is a globally connected network system that uses TCP/IP to transmit data via various
types of media.

Define virus

*A virus a program designed to be a computer nonsense

*Virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect

*By random notifications

*Computer virus is a piece of code which is capable of copying itself and typically has a
detrimental effort, such as corruption the system or destroying data

*Virus is a harmful program that copies itself onto other programme and destroys them or
interferes with their proper functioning

How to notice the virus

*Security attacks

*Missing files

*Crashes and error messages

*Email is hijacked

*Browser woes

*Suspicious hard drive activity

*Data is corrupted
*Slow system operations

*Hard drive maybe erased

*Files are damaged

Characteristics of the viruses

*Pc will not work proper condition slow as the regular speed

*Background data with more consume

*Software installation problem

*Data transfer issues (lack of speed)

*The computer restarts on its own

*The computer runs slower than usual

*Application do not work correctly

How to Reduce Viral Infections

*installing a reliable antiviral package

*Avoid software piracy

*Using a fire wall and installation of anti-viruses e.g. vast

*Boot the system from virus free disk

*Keep you antivirus software up to date

*Run regular scheduled scans with anti-virus software

*keep you operating system current

*secure your network

*Don't use open Wi-Fi

*Backup your files

*avoid internet download

*Computer cannot print items correctly

*Computer nonsense= meaning causing problem to the smooth run of the computer..

*On this we can notice due to data lost or corrupted..

*Izvi zvinoita kuti information yedu irasike and imwe yacho inova corrupted kureva kuti inonga
irimo but isingachahwisisike yava edited or missing

*Meaning some disorganized information without track or record where it comes from and this
has the potential or ability to make a computer misbehaving

*Dzimwe nguva computer inodzima yega... Or kuzviita yega on... Uye kutora nguva yakareba kuti

*Computer inova slow on performance, background data tinoona inova more active by demanding
more useful information

*Izoita on... Ndinovimba makamboona mose kuti wakati waita assignment yako wozoishay laptop
or kuona isingachavhire ku Word its sing that chirwere chasvika pacomputer yako

*When you have a computer ingava itsva or tsaru chakakosha kuziva kuti computer yako waisa
anti-virus protection usati washandisa and kana irimo anti-virus do checkup for expiry dates in
order for you to know when to update your anti-virus.

*Let me say we can except this suggestion in the sense that unogona kuva nevirus mucomputer or
to avoid it HOW seeking advice zvkureva kuti unonga usingatozive kuti chii uye zvinoitwa sei
kana computer ichidaro so the only way to go is to seek advice from IT gurus or experts ✔️

*To reduce viral infections usangoti pamasvika pese mukawana free Wi-Fi motopindira zvinoita
computer ibatwe nezvigwere vana vangu...


*Computer use we are talking about the ways or how we use our computers.... Basa rema computer

*health problems associated with the use of computers

*Repetitive stress injuries

*You may notice pain in ur neck and shoulders or anywhere from the shoulder to ur fingers related
to repetitive muscle use

*Unoita problem yehuro nekushanda computer every day. Coz less time to move mutsipa looking
on other sides eg ma till operators

*Brain damage due to excess use

*Headaches due screen light by using a computer everyday

*Munohwa musoro nekutarira computer screen coz health wise zviri connected nemaziso

*Lumber spondylitis

*Eye strain


*Mental stress

*Mentally as well u become stressed sezvatinoziva kuti kune vanhu vamakahwa kunzi vakupenga
nekuda kwenjere dzikanyanya kjoinza pfungwa unopedzisira wopenga..... Mental stress by use of
computers is possible due too much information yaunoda kuziva from different pages on internet

*Lumbar spondylosis it’s an override word ririkureva all these problems listed

*Back ache wrist ache when using the mouse eye strain long starring at the monitor and with the
fact that some dots in the monitor pixel resolutions, mental illusion for long time being on the

*Back ache its true... Musana unogwadza if sitting on a chair for a long time operating a
computer..... Solution chii for back ache

*On eye strain to reduce the problem you can

1. Break in every 20 or 30 minutes

2. Eye check up
3. Clean up the machine
4. Overstretching relates to break every 20 or 30 minutes.... It works as a solution
5. Use of comfortable chairs to avoid back ache
6. Maintain a reasonable distance between you and the computer
7. Usanyanya kuswebera maziso ako pascreen ye computer... Unohwa maziso akusosona lyta
amubuda misodzi those are signs
8. It’s that distance between you the user n computer
9. Use of adjustable chairs.... Anoita allows movement which we call postures

Requirements for a Computer Environment (Computer Room)

*Ventilation a good room has to be adequately ventilated. If ventilation is poor the computer may
over heat and thus fail to operate properly.

*Power supply power supply should of the right voltage and supplied from safe socket outlet.
Power cables should not cross the room to avoid interfering with free movements.

*Use of Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS) in the event of unanticipated power loss or power
surge there should be some standby power alternative so that the users’ information is not lost.

*Carpet Carpets are good dust absorbers, this thus reduces dust in the room, and dust interferes
with the operation of electronic equipment.

*Curtains reduce the amount of light getting to the screens and other computer equipment. Light
damages screens.

*Lockable doors should be lockable to avoid unauthorized access to the computers or theft or
vandalism of the computer systems. The key should be kept with some responsible person.

*Metal Bars and Shutters Fit room with metal bars and shutter.

*An alarm system an alarm system may be installed to warn of an intrusion.

*ID badges all users to use ID badges for access to the room or building.

*Security guards have a twenty-four hour guard to the room.

*Attach computers permanently to desks using clamps to avoid theft of the computer(s).

*Have all equipment serial numbers for use if equipment is stolen.

*Have firefighting systems in place to deal with ant risks of fire to the equipment.
*Reduce levels of moisture damages electronic equipment.

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