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CRM 001

NAME: _______________________________________ Year/Section: ____________

Instructor: Mr. John Paul C. Fernandez Date: ______________
DIRECTION: Read and answer the following question, Write your answer in the space
provided. Test I Multiple Choice

_____1. What is the plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle of body of a

principles offered to explain a phenomena?
A. Theory C. Conclusion
B. Experiment D. Debate
_____2. What is the English term of the Latin word Nullum Crimen Nulla Poena Sine
A. There is no punishment in the commission of the crime
B. There is no crime when there is no offence punishing the crime
C. There is no crime when there is no law punishing the act
D. All of the above
_____3. It maintains that criminal behavior was believed to the result of evil spirits and
demons something of natural force that controls his/her behavior. What is the theory?
A. Demonyo Theory
B. Devil Theory
C. Demonological Theory
D. Demand Theory
_____4. Who is the Father of Utilitarianism?
A. Jeremy Becarria
B. Jeremy Lombrosio
C. Jeremy Betham
D. None of the above
_____5. What is the Act no. 3815?
A. The Revised Penal Code
B. Revised Punishment Codes
C. The Revised Penology Code
D. The Reclusion Perpetua Code
_____6. In 1764 Beccaria wrote an essay “On Crimes and Punishment”, and asserted
the following. Which of these does not belong to the explanation?
I. The basis of criminal activity is a human free will and the purpose of
penalty is to deterrence
II. That man is essentially is a moral creature with absolute free will which
means to choose between and evil, thereby placing more stress upon
the effect or result of than felonies act than upon the man-the criminal
III. It has endeavored to establish a mechanical and direct proportion
between crime and penalty.
IV. There is a scant regard to the human element.
V. Determinism

A. I and III C. I,II,III and IV

B. I,II, and V D. V only
_____7. What is English term of the Latin “Ignorantia Legis Neminem Excusat?
A. Ignorance of the crime excuses others
B. Ignorance of the law excuses no one
C. Ignorance of the law excuses the one who commit a crime
D. Ignorance of the law excuses the one who does not know the law
_____8. What is the principle of lex taliones or the law of talion?
A. An fang to fang, a teeth for a teeth
B. An ear for an ear, a fang to fang
C. An head for an head, a ear for an ear
D. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
_____9. What is the characteristics of criminal law that the provision of the criminal or
penal law must be applied equally to all person?
A. Territoriality
B. Generality
C. Prospectivity
D. All of the above
_____10. What is the characteristics of criminal law that the provision is no person may
be punished for his act when at the time he committed the crime?
A. Generality C. Territoriality
B. Prospectivity D. Specific
_____11. What is a crime control policy that depends on the fear of criminal penalties?
A. General specific C. General Deterrence
B. General conclusion D. Specific Deterrence
_____12. What is the theory that modified the doctrine of free will by stating that free will
of men may be affected by other factors and crime committed due to some compelling
reasons that prevail?
A. Classical Theory C. Neo Theory
B. Possitivist Theory D. Neo-Classical Theory
_____13. What is the term used by Cesare Lombroso that characterized those
individuals who, base on some morphological, characteristics, were considered not fully
A. Human Evolution Theory C. Hereditary Preposition Theory
B. Atavism D. Somatotyping
_____14. What is the belief that all events are caused by things that happened before
them and that people have no real ability to make choices or control what happens?
A. Atavism C. Neo classical theory
B. Somatotyping D. Determinism
_____15. What is the study of facial features and their relation to human behavior?
A. Cranioscopy C. Physiology
B. Physiognomy D. Physics
_____16. What is the stage of commission of the crime that when all the elements
necessary for its execution and accomplishment are present?
A. Consummated C. Frustrated
B. Attempted D. None of the above
_____17. It is the code which created by the king of Babylon that also premised the law
of lex taliones?
A. Cuneiform C. Code of Hammurabi
B. Code of Drakon D. Civil Code
_____18. Felonies that are Intentional are also called as?
A. Dolo C. Culpa
B. Crime D. Desire
_____19. These individual commit crimes because they lack the mental capability to
understand or appreciates their acts?
A. Criminaloids C. Lunatic Criminal
B. Insane Criminal D. Abnormal Criminal
_____20. It refers to a branch of public law which defines, crimes, treats of their nature
and provides their punishment?
A. RPC C. Law Book
B. Law D. Criminal Law
TEST II. Write T if the statement is Correct and F if the statement is wrong and write the
correct word to make the statement correct.

_____21. Jeremy Bentham considered as the Father of Classical Theory.

_____22. Occasional criminal break the law by accidents.

_____23. Cranioscopy a method to study the personality and development of mental

and moral faculties based on the external shape of the skull.

_____24. Ernest Kretschmer is a German Psychiatrist originated the idea of


_____25. Determinism is the explanation for the existence of criminal traits associates
an individual’s evil disposition to physical disfigurement or impairment.

_____26. Criminaloids have weak disposition or strong self-control.

_____27. Phrenology the study that deals with the relationship between the skull and
the human behavior.

_____28. Franz Joseph Gall believed that criminal characteristics were inherited and
recommended that people with such characteristics should not allowed to reproduce.

_____29. Mesomorphic medium to tall, strong, muscular, coarse bone, they are usually
connected with crimes of violence.
_____30. Ada Jukes considered as the mother of criminals

TES III. Identify the following

31. He studied the lives of the members of the Jukes Family?

32. They are introvert person who are poorly muscled and characterized by thin
physique, flat chest, predominance skin and the fragile and delicate bones?
33. They are skinny and slender with lean, slightly built and narrow shoulders. They are
prone to commit fraud and theft?
34. He believed that heredity is the principal determinant of behavior and the body
shape or physique is a dependable and unswerving indicator personality?
35. It argues that intelligence is largely determines genetically, that ancestry determines
I.Q., and that low intelligence, as demonstrated by low I.Q. is linked to criminal
36. The common assumption of these theories is that there is something wrong with the
mind of the offender which caused him to commit crimes?
37. Who is the father of Psychoanalysis?
38. The moral aspects of the personality?
39. Unconscious biological drives requires instant gratification?
40. He relates hereditary inferiority to criminality?
41. He believed that insanity and criminal behavior were strongly linked?
42. He was a famous preacher during colonial period. His family tree was traced, none
of the descendants was found to be criminal?
43. It grows from the scientific research to provide explanation for criminal behavior
focusing on “biological and psychological factors”?
44. It was born out of a profound critique of the arbitrary nature of judicial decision
making, harsh and barbaric in the form of punishment to include death and routine
torture as a means?
45. The study of facial features and their relation to human behavior?

TEST IV. Enumeration

I. What is the five Pillar of the Philippine Criminal Justice System? (in order)

II. What are the Circumstances that Affecting Criminal liabilities?

III. Major types of Physique According to Earnest Kretschmer?
IV. Types of Physique According to William Sheldon?
V. Types of Criminal according to Lombroso typology of criminal?

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