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Week 1

Day 1

Learning Objectives

Through an introductory PowerPoint lecture presentation on the concepts of Home Economics, the
students will be able to:

a. define home economics

b. determine the significance of Home Economics in daily life

c. design creative and innovative classroom activities for specific topic and grade level of students


1. Start the class with a prayer

2. Let students do the "See My Name" activity.

3. Start with the introductory lecture on introduction of Home Economics

a. ask the students what is home economics is

b. Ask the students, what is the purpose of Home Economics" "list some in the blackboard"

c. Supplement the students' answers with this insight.

"An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow, why the things he predicted yesterday didn't
happen today".

d. Let the students write and essay about "what is home for you?"

e. Present the principles of home economics

f. Ask the students for insight about” why is it important to our daily lives to know the concept of
home economics?"

4. Introduced the activity "passing of whisper"

a. The students will group into two

b. They will form a line from small to tallest

c. The teacher will ask one representative for group to come in front and read the card. The teacher will
count to three

d. The representative per group will go back to the line and start to whisper

e. The teacher will give 30 seconds to come in front to say the main word or phrase

f. The group that will have correct the word would be the winner

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