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Eirt PreteSE PIntkcoal£xomn
(10 4 40 maras)
Long Ansnr Questrons
Describe the kidney under tottowing headings
a External features bRelatons c Structure

2 Draw and descnbe the location, formation branches of bractial piesus

3 Write in detail abot stomach under tollowing headings

a Esternal features bInterior of the stomach

4 Descnbe about Lver under the folowing headings

a External features b MistoloGy cf liver

( 5 40 marks)
Shert Anaer.Quentions
Draw & espiain the extemal features of Urinary
2 Write the compaision of Rt & Lt Supra renal glands
3 Femoral netve
4 tntericr of unnary tladder
6 Abdomnal Tons
6Policeman of Abdomen
7.Ditference between Smal Intestine &Large
Clinical anatomy of Anal canal
(20 1 20 marks)
1 No of lotules present in foetal kadneys

c) 2 to 3 d) 10
a) 7 to 13 12

doesnt supply muddie part of the ureter

2 wWhich one of the tolliowng artery
c Gonadal Artery d) Interna ilac artery
a)Renal atery b) Aorta
Order of structures present in the hila cf left kidney trom behind
Pevis &Ven c)Pevis, Vein & Artery d) Petvs Artery & Vein
a) Artery Vein & Petvis b) Artery.
is not true about let male uweter
4 Which one of the foliowing
b) Thurd constriction lie at Pelvm-ureteric junction
constriction at brim of lesser petvis
ac)About d) Measutes about J mm in diameter
25 crms long
one of followng is not true about maie urinary
5 which
b) Parasyrpathetc
eferrt fbes are S 5 &S
Mean capacity 's 220 mt to the detrusa musce
a) Ulerene & Vaginal arteres d) T to Ly are rhbtory
Recerves s0shoral sucply trom
the following is not true about obturator
6 Which one of
of Psoos maor bGves io tranch in abdormen inguunal igament
st the medial border deep to the
of thgh d t e trcm atidormen by passng
adductor muacdes
Median nerve
toliowing is not true about
r Which one of the
of prcnatcr teres
bt panses tetween the
he ads
the upper part of
teep to flexor
in retnacuun
les later al to
trachal antery d)Erters the paim by
at fesor retnaciAum

cErsers the p a i Y passrg spertaal to

8 Which one is not true about
Musician's nerve
a) Paipable as it lies behind
c) Named as it medial
epicondyle of hurmnerus
controls the fine b) Enters forearrn by
movements of fingers passing betoveen the two heads of flexor carpi
9Which one of the
d) It lies, medial most in
the cubital fossa utnan
following statement is not true about
Erb's Paralysis
aArm adducted &
medially rotated
c)Nerve roots involved
Mainly C,& partly Ce b)Forearm Extended& pronated
10 Which one of the d)Movements possible flexion and
following is not true about supination of forearm
lumbar plexus
a) Lies within the
c) Formed by ventral rami of the Psoas major muscle
of the upper four b) Lateral cutaneous
lumbar nerves nerve of the thigh is the branch of
d) Fernoral nerve is the ventral division
branch of dorsal division of it
Transphyloric plane of addition possess
midway through
a) L b) L vertebra posteriorly
c) L d)L
12. Which of the
following Is not the
content of Lt Lumbar
a) Left Kidney b) Left
Ureter c) Descending Colon
13 Which of the d) Sigmoid Colon
following is not the
a) Pancreas b)
Duodenum c) Stomach
14. d) Kidney
Accessory Pancreatic duct is also called
a) Wirsung duct b) Santorini duct
c) Henson's duct d) Hottman's duct
Appendicular artery the branch of

a)Middle Colic b)Right Colic c) lleo Colic d) Left Colic

16.Cardiac artice of the stomach lies
a) behind the 7th costal
cortilage at the level of
T, Vertibra
b) behind the 9th costal
Cortilage at the level of
T Vertibra
c) behind the 7th Costal
Cortilage at the level of T Vertibra
d) behind the 9th Costal
Cortilage at the level of T, Vertibra
Magenstrasse is the name for
a) Phyloric Canal b) Gastric Canal
18 c)Rectal Canal d)Anal Canal
Ligament of Treitz Suspends and supports one of the following structure
a) Right Colic Flexure
b) Left Colic Flexure
c) Duodenojejunal
19. Which of the Flexure d)
following not correct synonym for the
is Jejunoileal Flexure
foramen of winslaw is
a) Ormental Foraman
b) Omental Bursa c)
Epploic foramen d) Adtus to the
20. Normal Pressure of the Portal Vein is lesser Sac
a) 1-5 mm Hg b)5-15 mm Hg c) 15-30 mm
Hg d)80-120 mm Hg
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