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General Instructions: The question paper is divided into Four sections.
1) Section A: Q.No.1 contains five multiple choice types of questions carrying One mark each. Q.No.2 contains
four very short answer types of questions carrying One mark each.
2) Section B: Q.No.3 to Q.No.7 are short answer-I type of questions carrying Two marks each. Attempt anyThree questions.
3) Section C: Q.No.8 to Q.No. 13 are short answer-II type of questions carrying Three marks each. Attemptany Four questions.
4) Section D: Q.No.14 to Q.No.16 are long answer type of questions carrying Four marks each. Attempt anyTwo questions.

Q.1 Select and write correct answer [5M]
(i) The angle between two covalent bonds is minimum in -
(a) CH4 (b) C2H2 (c) NH3 (d) H2O
(ii) Ge belongs to -
(a) gp.13, period 2 (b) gp. 14, period 4 (c) gp. 13, period 3 (d) gp. 14, period 2

(iii) The formal charge on Nitrogen in (S=C=N)-1 is

(a) 0 (b) +1 (c) -1 (d) -2
(iv) Hyper conjugation involves overlap of ________orbitals.
(a)    (b)   p (c) p  p (d)   
(v) No two electrons in the same atomic orbitals can have identical set of four quantum
number”. This statement is known as -
(a) Pauli’s exclusion (b) Hund’s rule (c) Aufbau rule (d) Heisenberg
uncertainty principle

Q.2 Answer the following - [4M]

(i) Why does molarity of a solution depend on temperature?
(ii) Define Boyle’s law.
(iii) Write the IUPAC name of   hydroxy butyraldehyde and give structure
(iv) Write electronic configuration of d-block elements.


Answer the following: (Attempt any Three questions) [6M]

Q.3 Give the diagram for bonding in ethene with sp2  hybridization.
Q.4 Explain ionization enthalpy with an example.
Q.5 Write the IUPAC name of following & give the structural formula –
(a) Isobutylene (b) m-Nitrobenzaldehyde
Q.6 (a)How many grams of water are present in 0.25 mol of it?
(b)Give the diagram for p-p- axial and parallel overlapping of atomic orbitals
Q.7 What is a limiting reagent? Explain.


Attempt any Four questions [12M]

Q.8 Write the assumptions of molecular orbital theory.
Q.9 (a) The natural isotopic abundance of 10B is 19.60% and 11 B is 80.40%. The
exact isotopic massesare 10.13 and 11.009 respectively. Calculate the average
atomic mass of boron.
(b) Write modern periodic law.

Q.10 (a) First ionisation enthalpy of B is smaller than that of Be. Explain.
(b) State Gay- Lussac’s law.
Q.11 (a) Define the term “isomerism”.
(b) Explain tautomerism with an example.
Q.12 (a) Distinguish between carbocation and carbanion.
(b) Write the set of four quantum number for 5th e of NeZ  10
Q.13 BF3 molecule is planar but NH3 is pyramidal. Explain.


Attempt any Two questions [8M]

Q.14 (a) Calculate the molarity, molality and mole fraction of NaOH in the solution
prepared by dissolvingit’s 4g in enough water to form 250 mL of the solution (density
of the solution 1.2 g/mL)
(b) State Avogadro's law.
Q.15 (a) At 300 K, a certain mass of a gas occupies 1×10-4 dm3 volume. Calculate it’s
volume at 450 K and at the same pressure.
(b) Define isotone and isoelectronic species with an example of each.
Q.16 (a)Explain heterolytic bond cleavage with an example.
(b)Define “inductive Effect”
(c)Write the shape of molecules, number of bond pairs and lone pair in following –
(i) ClF3 (ii) XeF4

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