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Art Appreciation Essay

ASSESSMENT: Advocacy Art

“The Aftermath of Negligence”

It is without a doubt true that everyone has been rummaging around for the past
couple of months due to the current state of the world that is the ‘new normal’.
Everything was in fast-pace motion until the Covid-19 pandemic occurred, and while
this is obviously not much of a good thing for the most part, I believe it’s teaching us a
lot— environmentally speaking.
The root cause of the virus was a result of laboratory experiments on animals in
China, as a lot of people know. That in itself, justifies how rampant wildlife abuse is in
this fast-paced world. Too much abuse to our ecosystem has now resulted for another
pandemic to happen because consumerism has taken over people’s lives that
negligence to our environment has become so common already.
I believe the earth, our home; is teaching us to slow down now. We have been
receiving so much from our natural resources, but we couldn’t really give back a little
care and love for all our environment has done for us.

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