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2(ii) Describe two differences between vertebrates and invertebrates.

Invertebrates have no backbone, while vertebrates possess a well-developed internal skeleton of

cartilage and bones and a highly developed brain that is enclosed by a skull.
Vertebrates possess a simple respiratory system, while invertebrate respiratory systems are more
complex due to additional functions.

2(iv) Discuss the importance of microorganisms to humans.

They are used to make food in some countries, they help in making chemical products, help develop our
immune system and detoxify harmful chemicals.

3(i) Animals can be found almost anywhere on earth. Describe how:

(a) A bird is adapted for flying

The front pairs of limbs are modified to form wings, The skin is covered in feathers A bird's
bones are less dense than the bones of a human which makes birds' bodies lightweight. .Long
feathers on the wings and tail also contribute with birds adapting to flying.

(b) A fish is adapted for swimming

Fishes are adapted to swimming by having gills that allow them to breathe oxygen in the water. They
also have a stream-lined body that helps the fish to move in the water without difficulty and minimzing
water resistance.

(c) A bird is similar to a fish

They belong to the animal kingdom and both belong to the phylum chordata. Both fish and birds
are vertebrates. They are predators meaning that they hunt and eat other animals.

(d) A bird is different from a fish

A bird breathes in oxygen by using its lungs, while a fish breathes in oxygen through a gill
system. They live in different habitats, birds live in trees and fish live in water.

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