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What is Vision 2030 ?

Vision 2030 Jamaica is the country's first long term development plan as it aims to make Jamaica
to become a well developed and stable nation by 2030, following its vision: “Jamaica, the place
of choice to live, work, raise families and do business.” Vision 2030 has set on sight to unite all
Jamaican citizens to become partners so they can achieve and benefit from the inclusive
development of Jamaica that they wish to sustain. With citizens' help it can boost Jamaica from a
middle income developing country to a country that can provide citizens with high critical needs
especially in health and education areas. It is promised as the achievement of the goals of Vision
2030 will result in a vibrant and international economy, greater opportunities for social and
economic mobility, a secure society that is safe for all Jamaicans and a healthy natural
Vision 2030 has established a new paradigm which has reevaluated Jamaica’s strategic road on
achieving Vision 2030’s goals. It is expected that this new paradigm will move Jamaica from
depending on lower forms of resources such as the sun and basic agricultural products, to higher
forms of resources such as our culture and human knowledge so that our society can be more
enhanced and to create different levels of wealth.

Vision 2030 has the objective to make Jamaica a stable and well developed nation by the year of
2030 based on Seven Guiding Principles:
● Partnership
● Social Cohesion
● Equity
● Sustainability (Economic, Social, Environmental)
● Sustainable Urban and Rural Development
● Transformational Leadership
● Transparency and Accountability

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