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Activity#3 - Skill-building Activities

A. What do you like about yourself, your body? What do you not like?

B. What is it about your body and mind that is unhappy with that could be positively affected by

exercising regularly?

C. What would you like to change, if anything and why?

D. Have you tried regular exercise before and failed to stick with it?

E. Currently, how do you estimate your potential to stick with an exercise program?

F. Do you think of yourself as good-looking? Attractive? Not attractive? Healthy or unhealthy?

G. what do you see when you look in the mirror?

H. If you are planning to exercise to help in weight loss or simply to shape up a currently out of
shape body, will you be able to use the facts that smaller size clothing now fits and that your
waist is getting smaller as measured of success rather than scale weight (which might or might
not change much even as you redistributing body mass?

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