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Pan de Muerto

warm milk, 75g
yeast, 1 envelope
wheat flour, 350g
eggs, 3 units
salt, 1/2 teaspoon
essence of orange blossom / orange zest, 1 teaspoon
unsalted butter, 90 g
white sugar, 90g

The bread consists of a small sphere in the center of the upper part that represents a skull
and four arms of bones that are called quills that represent bones. This form symbolizes the
four directions of the Nahuolli or universe. It has its origin in the time of the Conquest,
inspired by prehispanic rituals.

They say that it was a ritual in Mexico before the conquest that a princess was offered to the
gods, her heart still beating was introduced in a pot with amaranth and then who led the rite
bit the heart as a sign of gratitude to a god.
The Spaniards rejected this sacrifice, so they created a bread shaped like a heart, bathed in
sugar painted red, simulating the blood of the maiden.

Importance nowadays:
Today is one of the most important components of the offerings dedicated to the deceased
faithful. The bread is dedicated to the deceased who return to reunite with their families on
November 2

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