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Today many people have a problem with sleep, the amount of their sleeping time is decreased.

Many problems can affect sleep time for example bad room color design, depression, and the worse
is a health problem, all these causes of sleep problems can be done by taking medicine, meditation,
and re-painting the bedroom.

Nowadays, we live in a world full of competition in every single aspect of life including the economy,
as a result, this trend demanding people to hard work and instill a hustling culture in their daily life,
it gives a bad impact on some people such as depression, I admit that depression can lead sleep time
problems, to solve this problem people who get depression could take medicine or consulting with
professional so they can get back to sleep in a normal time.

Furthermore, lack of sleep cause because of bad room color design, unconsciously color can affect
sleep time of the owners, for example, there are some color should avoid painting in a bedroom
such as brown and red, it's proven that those color can affect sleep time

And the last things cause lack of sleep is a health problem, difficulties in getting enough sleep can be
a sign of serious illness such as diabetes, diabetes is one of disease that affects sleep time of
someone and person who experience this should be aware of this disease.

In conclusion, there is some reason why someone getting harder to get enough sleep, and this is
needed an observation to decide which factor can lack sleep cause and could solve this problem.

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