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The battles we face are not who we are.

Depression is a serious mental condition that affects many people. It's not something we should be
laughing about. Suicide is one of the top causes of mortality among youth aged 15 to 29. It is very
alarming to grasp about how mental illness affects people's lives. But we have to remember that being
sad, being frustrated, being angry is far from being depressed. Self-diagnosing is so dangerous. Before
we conclude, we should seek professional help if we feel like there is something wrong with us.

We've all had to deal with fights at some point in our lives. I can't think of anyone who hasn't struggled
at some point in their lives. We're all guilty of it. Every feeling we experience should be acknowledged. It
might be either happy or negative sentiments. Emotions are a part of who we are. Avoidance will almost
likely not make us feel better. Running away from our problems doesn't help us resolve them. Trying to
get away from the difficulties we're facing isn't going to help us. It is better to face them. It's quite okay
to admit that we make mistakes and to feel miserable. Problems are unavoidable in our life.

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