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6 Soft skills that

make your
Resume Stand Out
1. Communication skills

The ability to communicate

effectively in writing, both verbally

and in writing.
2. Professionalism

Do not try to sell yourself. Instead,

focus on showing that you have

good communication skills, are

organized, and can work well with

3. Innovation

Do not try to sell yourself. Instead,

focus on showing that you have

good communication skills, are

organized, and can work well with

4. Teamwork/collaboration

Showing teamwork is important

because it shows that you can work

well with others — this includes

being able to communicate

effectively with them as well as

listen closely when someone.

5. Problem-solving skills

If there's an issue at work, show

how you were able to solve it using

your problem-solving skills. This can

be done through examples or by

explaining how they impacted

others' work or productivity.

6. Leadership qualities

You don't have to be in charge to

show leadership qualities; instead,

talk about how your leadership

style helped contribute to positive

outcomes for others when working

in teams or with clients/customers.

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