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Hypothalamic–Pituitary Regulation
S. Melmed
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The pituitary gland, weighing about 600 mg lactotrophs produce prolactin (PRL); corticotrophs
and situated at the base of the brain, is located express proopiomelanocortin (POMC), the precur-
within the sella turcica and abuts the cavernous sor of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), melanocortin
sinuses, cranial nerves, and optic chiasm. These hormone (MSH), lipotropic hormone (LPH), and
anatomic constraints confine an expanding pitu- endorphins; gonadotrophs produce luteinizing
itary mass, and result in compression of pituitary hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone
tissue leading to compromised pituitary hor- (FSH); and thyrotrophs produce thyroid stimu-
mone reserve function. As the gland is encased lating hormone (TSH). The heterodimeric glyco-
by bony structures, the path of least resistance protein hormones TSH, LH, and FSH comprise a
for intrasellar mass extension leads to invasion common α-subunit and a specific β-subunit, stabi-
of the cavernous sinuses laterally, and lifting of lized by disulfide bonding. Specificity of h ­ ormone
the optic chiasm dorsally. action is determined by the β-subunit which
Hypothalamic-releasing and -inhibiting hor- also is the interactive moiety binding a cognate
mones are synthesized centrally and secreted into ­receptor for each of the three hormones. GH, PRL,
pituitary stalk portal vessels to impinge on specific and ACTH are single-chain polypeptides. Each
pituitary cells to release or inhibit pituitary tro- ­pituitary hormone elicits distinct trophic responses
phic hormone release into the systemic circulation. in target glands, which in turn exert negative and
The anterior pituitary gland comprises at least six positive feedback control at the hypothalamus and
functional and terminally differentiated cell com- pituitary to regulate pituitary synthesis and secre-
partments, each expressing a unique gene prod- tion (Fig. 15.2).
uct encoding a trophic hormone (Fig. 15.1). These Pituitary hormones are synthesized and
hormones are synthesized and secreted into the then secreted into the systemic circulation in
systemic circulation to regulate the repertoire of a controlled fashion to regulate the repertoire
endocrine gland function, including thyroid, adre- of endocrine gland cell survival and hormone
nal, gonadal, breast, metabolic, growth, and body synthesis and secretion (Fig. 15.3). Overall,
composition functions. This complex central endo- thyroid, adrenal, gonadal, breast, metabolic,
crine control system is mediated by six hormones, growth, and body composition functions are
each produced by a highly differentiated cell type: maintained in homeostasis by finely tuned cen-
somatotrophs produce growth hormone (GH); tral pituitary hormone actions (Table 15.1).

Conn’s Translational Neuroscience 317 Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

The pituitary response, acting as the master con-

ductor, transduces central neuronal signals that
effectively impact peripheral endocrine target
glands by biochemical signaling. Integrated
control of pituitary function is subserved by
three tiers of regulation (Fig. 15.4). The first tier
comprises control by hypothalamic hormones,
the second tier incorporates paracrine and auto-
crine intrapituitary hormones, cytokine and
growth factor signals, and the third tier com-
prises feedback regulation enabled by periph-
eral hormones which regulate their respective
pituitary- or hypothalamic-control systems. The
integrated net result of these three signaling
levels is to enable synthesis of appropriate hor-
mone abundance, and generation of uniquely
timed and sized pituitary hormone secretory
pulses into the systemic circulation.

FIGURE 15.1  The hypothalamic–pituitary unit and FACTORS
relationships of neural structures and hormone secretion.
Hypothalamic-oxytocin and -vasopressin neurons ter- Highly differentiated nuclear transcription
minate directly in the posterior pituitary. Hypothalamic factors determine pituitary trophic cell-specific
neurons produce growth hormone-releasing hormone
(GHRH), corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH), thyrotro-
development, differentiation, and specific hor-
pin-releasing hormone (TRH), and gonadotropin releasing mone production. POUIF-1 determines lacto-
hormone (GnRH) which traverse the hypophyseal–portal troph and somatotroph specificity, while T-Pit
circulation surrounding the pituitary stalk and penetrate directs cell-specific POMC transcription in cor-
the anterior pituitary. Hypothalamic-neurohormones signal ticotroph cells. Gonadotroph cell differentia-
through cognate GPCRs to differentiated anterior pituitary
cells to secrete growth hormone (GH), adrenocorticotropin
tion is mediated by DAX-1 and STAR proteins,
hormone (ACTH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), and thyrotrophs by several factors includ-
luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle stimulating hor- ing GATA-1. Disruptions of these factors by
mone (FSH), respectively. Dopamine neurons signal hereditary mutations leads to failed pituitary
tonically to inhibit PRL secretion, while hypothalamic function. For example, inactivating POU1F-1
somatostatin inhibits both GH and TSH release. Adapted from
Melmed S, Pituitary. In: Dale DC, Federman DD, editors. ACP
mutations lead to GH deficiency and short
Medicine, vol. 1; 2006. pp. 571–86. stature. Some of these inherited mutations
may involve more proximal transcription fac-
tors (eg, PROP-1) leading to multiple pituitary
REGULATION OF PITUITARY hormone deficiencies (Fig. 15.2).
HORMONE SECRETION Pituitary hormone synthesis and secre-
tion may proceed in an uncontrolled fashion
The six functional and highly differentiated leading to hypersecretory syndromes, espe-
cell compartments each expressing a unique cially caused by pituitary tumors. In these
gene product are all regulated by specific signals. patients, there is loss of physiological control
Pituitary Transcription Factors 319

FIGURE 15.2  Human anterior pituitary gland development and cell lineage determination by cell-specific transcription
factors. Pituitary trophic cells are depicted with transcription factors which determine cell-specific hormone gene expres-
sion. From Melmed S, Kleinberg DL, Ho K. Pituitary physiology and diagnostic evaluation. In: Melmed S, Polonsky KS, Larsen PR,
Kronenberg HM, editors. Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 12th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier-Saunders Publication; 2011. pp 175–228.

FIGURE 15.3  Control of anterior pituitary hormone secretion is achieved by hypothalamic hormone, which traverse the
portal vein, cell-specific transcription factors, and negative feedback control POU1F1 (pituitary-specific transcription fac-
tor) denotes POU domain, class 1, transcription factor 1; Prop-1 Prophet of Pit-1. From Melmed S. Acromegaly. N Engl J Med
2006;355:2558–73. Available from:

TABLE 15.1 Anterior Pituitary Hormone Expression and Regulation

Cell Corticotroph Somatotroph Lactotroph Thyrotroph Gonadotroph

Tissue-specific T-Pit Prop-1, Pit-1 Prop-1, Pit-1 Prop-1, Pit-1, TEF SF-1, DAX-1

Fetal appearance 6 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks 12 weeks 12 weeks


Protein Polypeptide Polypeptide Polypeptide Glycoprotein α, β Glycoprotein α, β

subunits subunits

Amino acids 266 (ACTH 1–39) 191 199 211 210, 204

Stimulators CRH, AVP, gp-130 GHRH, ghrelin Estrogen, TRH, TRH GnRH, activins,
cytokines VIP estrogen

Inhibitors Glucocorticoids Somatostatin, Dopamine T3, T4, dopamine Sex steroids,

IGF-I somatostatin inhibin

Target gland Adrenal Liver, bone, other Breast, other Thyroid Ovary, testis
tissues tissues

Trophic effect Steroid production IGF-I production, Milk production T4 synthesis and Sex steroid
growth secretion production, follicle
induction insulin growth, germ cell
antagonism maturation

Normal circulating ACTH, 4–22 pg/L <0.5 μg/La M < 15; F < 20 μg/L 0.1–5 mU/L M, 5–20 IU/L, F

range in humans (basal), 5–20 IU/L
aHormone levels integrated over 24 h.
M, male; F, female. For other abbreviations, see text.
Modified from Melmed S, Polonsky KS, Larsen PR, Kronenberg HM, (eds.). Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 12th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier-Saunders
Publication; 2011.

and erratic adenomatous hormone secretion acromegaly/gigantism, lactotroph tumors to

ensues with resultant clinical disturbances. infertility and lactation, corticotroph tumors
Pituitary tumors may arise from any of the to hypercortisolism with Cushing disease,
hormone-secreting cell types. These are invari- and thyrotroph tumors to hyperthyroidism
ably benign adenomas which may be small and goiter. Tumors arising from gonadotroph
(<10 mm) micro-adenomas or larger macro- cells are usually nonsecreting, but may pres-
adenomas. Some of these tumors are par- ent with hypogonadism. This may be due to
ticularly aggressive and lead to compressed several factors. Sustained nonpulsatile secre-
normal pituitary function, with invasion of tion of gonadotrophin hormones may lead to
vital vascular structures (eg, cavernous sinus) downregulation of their peripheral receptors.
or cranial nerve compression leading to visual Furthermore, the adenoma may also not effi-
impairment. Clinical phenotypes associated ciently synthesize gonadotrophins. Finally, an
with pituitary adenomas are determined by expanding pituitary mass, regardless of eti-
the cell of origin and the specific overproduced ology, may compress normal pituitary tissue
hormone. Thus, somatotroph tumors lead to and compromise gonadotropin secretion.
Hypothalamic Factors Regulating Pituitary Function 321
portal venous system to impinge upon and
signal to the anterior pituitary. The role of the
hypothalamic–pituitary unit has now been well
defined, and mechanisms underlying pituitary
control well established.
The hypothalamus, located below the third
ventricle, comprises distinct yet heterogeneous
neurosecretory nuclei, whose axons extend
to the median eminence which extends to the
infundibular stalk. Complex electrical signals
emanating from brain centers terminate at
hypothalamic nuclei to regulate synthesis and
release of hypothalamic-peptide hormones. The
derivation of these brain signals is diverse and
intricate, and may include stress, temperature
sensation, fluid and electrolyte balance, as well
as higher functions.
Hypothalamic-neuronal bodies synthesize
and package pituitary control factors: thyro-
tropin-releasing hormone (TRH), gonadotro-
FIGURE 15.4  Hypothalamic–pituitary–target axes are
phin releasing hormone (GnRH), corticotropin
regulated by three tiers of control. Hypothalamic neurons
synthesize hormones which are released into the hypophy- releasing hormone (CRH), growth hormone-
seal–portal circulation to impinge on anterior pituitary cells releasing hormone (GHRH), and somatostatin
to mediate brain-pituitary signal transduction resulting in (somatotropin releasing–inhibiting factor, SRIF),
release to the circulation, ultimately reaching target glands mostly located in the medial hypothalamus.
and organs. Within the pituitary, local cytokines, and growth
Each of these hormones binds to a cognate
factors also regulate anterior pituitary hormone synthesis
and release. Distal target glands secrete hormones that elicit receptor expressed on a respective differenti-
the required effects on peripheral tissues, and also feed- ated pituitary target cell membrane. The median
back to regulate respective hypothalamic–pituitary control eminence functionally links the hypothalamus
hormones. From Ben-Shlomo A, Melmed S. Hypothalamic and the pituitary. Superior hypophyseal arter-
regulation of anterior pituitary function. In: Melmed S, editor. The
ies which derive from the internal carotid arter-
Pituitary, 3rd ed.; 2010. pp 21–45.
ies, supply the hypothalamus, and form median
eminence capillaries outside the blood–brain
HYPOTHALAMIC FACTORS barrier. Hypophyseal portal vessels form the
REGULATING PITUITARY hypothalamic–portal circulation, the predomi-
FUNCTION nant anterior pituitary blood source. Hypotha-
lamic-axonal termini are functionally linked
Cajal proposed the functional concept of to fenestrated pituitary portal venous capil-
hypothalamic regulation of the anterior pituitary, lary endothelium, enabling release of hypo-
which was subsequently proven by Harris, who thalamic peptides into the hypophyseal–portal
demonstrated that direct hypothalamic electrical circulation to reach anterior pituitary trophic
stimulation was sufficient to induce ovulation. hormone-secreting cells (Fig. 15.3). Accord-
This finding supported the hypothesis for exis- ingly, concentrated levels of hypothalamic-
tence of a humoral mechanism whereby chemical releasing and -inhibiting hormones traverse
messengers traverse the hypothalamic–pituitary these vessels to reach the pituitary trophic

hormone–producing cells without significant circulation is controlled in a diurnal and/or

systemic dilution. Further control systems for pulsatile fashion, and then bind distal recep-
hypothalamic hormone vascular transit include tors expressed on target organs which regulate
regulated portal capillary contractility, as well peripheral endocrine hormone production.
as bidirectional hypothalamic–pituitary control Disrupted secretory patterns may lead to endo-
enabled by retrograde flow of portal blood from crine dysfunction or failure of peripheral target
the pituitary dorsally towards the median emi- glands to appropriately respond to pituitary sig-
nence. This complex vascular mechanism allows nals. Thus, continued erratic secretion of gonad-
exquisite regulation of anterior pituitary hor- otrophin hormones by a pituitary adenoma may
mone secretion by highly specific hypothalamic- lead to downregulation of gonadal function.
releasing and -inhibitory factors. Negative feedback regulation of hormone secre-
The overarching transduction of brain signals tion exists at all levels of control, but mostly
to affect peripheral endocrine chemical mes- by target gland hormones which usually sup-
sages is characterized by both qualitative, tem- presses both pituitary and hypothalamic-
poral, and quantitative features. The abundance hormone synthesis and secretion. Negative
of hypothalamic, pituitary, or peripheral mes- feedback suppression of pituitary hormone
senger molecules at each level, as determined production usually overrides positive central
by both half-life as well as concentration syn- signals. Accordingly, hypersecretion of periph-
thesized, increases incrementally. At each level eral hormones by secreting tumors (eg, thyroid,
of pituitary control, an increasing magnitude of adrenal) leads to suppressed pituitary hormone
amplified hormonal release occurs. Thus, nano- production as well as suppressed trophic cell
molar concentrations of hypothalamic factors proliferation. Conversely, ablation or failure of
are transduced to elicit micromolar concentra- peripheral gland function results in exuberant
tions of secreted pituitary hormones, which in hypersecretion of pituitary trophic hormones.
turn elicit millimolar concentrations of periph-
eral hormones. Furthermore, the circulating
half-life of hypothalamic peptides is very short HYPOTHALAMIC–PITUITARY–
(minutes), pituitary hormone half-life is usu- ADRENAL AXIS
ally minutes (eg, 12 min for GH) to hours, while
peripheral hormone circulating half-life may be This vital pituitary axis is essential for cell
days (eg, thyroid hormones; IGF-I). Pituitary survival and response of the organism to stress
cells are therefore targets for sensitive and highly (Fig. 15.5). Adrenal cortisol regulates multiple
leveraged hypothalamic regulation by timed cellular processes essential for maintaining fuel
hypothalamic-hormone secretory patterns. and energy metabolism, immunity and cardio-
Brain signaling to peripheral hormone- vascular homeostasis, as well as central nervous
secreting target glands transduced by the system functions.
hypothalamic–pituitary unit is characterized Corticotroph cells comprise about 20% of the
by several physiological features. For example, functional hormone-secreting anterior pituitary
target gland actions are controlled by unique cells, and appear early by the 8th week of ges-
patterns of secretion at each level. Thus, cir- tation. These are the first human pituitary cells
cadian, pulsatile, or acute central stimuli to develop, differentiate, and mature. Prominent
signal to secrete specific hypothalamic hor- neurosecretory granules (150–400  nm) within
mones into the hypophyseal–portal circulation the corticotroph contain POMC gene prod-
with specific secretory profiles. Subsequent ucts, including 1–39 ACTH, β-lipotropin, and
pituitary hormone secretion to the systemic endorphins. Each of these hormones contains
Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal axis 323
induces cAMP and activates phosphokinase-A
(PKA). CRHR1 is desensitized and internalized
upon prolonged CRH stimulation. CRH-binding
protein (CRH-BP) transiently binds with high
affinity to CRH and also urocortins, and may
competitively inhibit CRH action. Intravenous
CRH administration elicits rapid ACTH release
peaking in the circulation at 30 min, and fol-
lowed by adrenal cortisol secretion which usually
peaks at 60 min after injection. The adrenal GPCR
for ACTH (melanocortin-2 receptor) signals to
induce a cascade of steroidogenic enzymes lead-
ing to cortisol production. Both urocortin 1 and
arginine vasopressin (AVP) also act to induce
ACTH and cortisol albeit less robustly than CRH.
FIGURE 15.5 Hypothalamic corticotropin releas- In the corticotroph cell, the POMC prohor-
ing hormone (CRH) stimulates the corticotroph to mone is processed by convertase enzymes to
synthesize and release adrenocorticotropin hormone yield ACTH and β-lipotropin, as well as inactive
(ACTH), which in turn stimulates the adrenal glands
peptide fragments. β-lipotropin is further cleaved
to produce and release c­ortisol and androgens. Corti-
sol acting in a negative-­ feedback loop inhibits further to yield β-endorphin and other peptides, espe-
release of both CRH and ACTH. Melmed S. Mechanisms cially in the intermediate pituitary region. ACTH
for pituitary tumorigenesis: theplastic pituitary. J Clin Invest is secreted to the systemic circulation to stimu-
2003;112(11):1603–18. late adrenal gland steroid hormone synthesis
and secretion by maintaining adrenal cortical cell
a prominent carbohydrate moiety. Within the integrity and inducing steroidogenesis pathways.
human pituitary, POMC is exclusively expressed POMC synthesis is suppressed by glucocorti-
in corticotroph cells. TPit/Tx19 is the critical cell- coids acting as negative feedback regulators, and
specific transcriptional factor for corticotroph stimulated mainly by CRH, as well as by AVP,
cell differentiation and POMC transcription. and pro-inflammatory cytokines.
CRH, a 41-aa peptide synthesized in the para- CRH release controls a 24-h diurnal rhythm
ventricular nucleus as well as in higher brain for both ACTH and cortisol secretion required.
centers, is the central regulator of the hypotha- This secretory pattern is an important determi-
lamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis. Neuronal nant for maintaining adrenal function ACTH
CRH production is controlled by multiple affer- and cortisol levels start rising between 1 and 4
ent inputs from hypothalamic, limbic forebrain am and hormone levels peak at about 6 am. A
and brain stem inputs to enable fine-tuned lower cortisol peak is evident in the early after-
control of basal and stress-induced CRH action noon, continues to fall during the afternoon
to induce POMC-derived peptides including and evening, then reaches a midnight nadir
ACTH and β-endorphin. level. Circadian rhythmicity is likely more char-
Pituitary CRH action is mediated by the trans- acterized by changes in hormone pulse ampli-
membrane corticotroph receptors, CRHR1, which tude rather than pulse frequency. Interestingly,
signals to induce corticotroph POMC transcrip- CRH infusion to CRH KO mice restores diurnal
tion and ACTH production. CRHR1, a G-protein corticosterone patterns pointing to the CRH
coupled receptor (GPCR), is also widely distrib- requirement for maintaining normal circadian
uted in the brain and is coupled to the Gαs unit, ACTH rhythm.

The HPA axis functions to sustain the to mount an effective stress response due to
neuroendocrine stress response and maintain suppressed ACTH.
overall metabolic homeostasis. The HPA stress
response is a summated outcome of hypotha-
lamic, intrapituitary, and peripheral hormone HYPOTHALAMIC–PITUITARY–
and cytokine signals acting to regulate adrenal THYROID AXIS
cortisol production with subsequent appropri-
ately integrated immune, cardiovascular, and The thyroid axis regulates development,
hormonal functions. Inflammatory cytokines energy metabolism, and growth and the axis
activate hypothalamic-CRH and -AVP secretion, is controlled by complex central and periph-
pituitary POMC gene expression, and ACTH eral signals mediated mainly by hypothalamic
release. Inflammatory-associated central gluco- TRH and pituitary TSH (Fig. 15.6). Thyrotroph
corticoid receptor resistance also attenuates the cells express TSH and comprise about 5% of the
ability of glucocorticoids to suppress the HPA, functional hormone-secreting anterior pituitary
further enabling ACTH secretion. Inflammatory cells with relatively small secretory granules
cytokines and neurotransmitters, thus, increase ranging from 120 to 150 μm. TSH comprises a
CRH release to stimulate ACTH and adrenal specific β-subunit and common α-subunit
cortisol secretion. Induced cortisol levels, in shared with LH and FSH. TSH binds to a GPCR
turn, limit inflammation and confer host protec-
tion. Several other peptides also regulate ACTH
by acting centrally. For example, leptin stimu-
lates CRH release, while somatostatin inhibits
hypothalamic-CRH release.
CRH release and ACTH levels are enhanced
by both pathologic and physiological stressors
including cytokines, hemorrhage, adrenalec-
tomy, and hypoglycemia. In contrast, glucocor-
ticoid-mediated negative feedback results in
dual suppression of both hypothalamic-CRH,
pituitary POMC synthesis, and ACTH release.
As a clinical sequel, loss of cortisol feedback
inhibition relieves the corticotroph cell of nega-
tive restraint, and results in high ACTH levels.
This is exemplified clinically as encountered
after surgical adrenalectomy or primary adrenal
failure. Although severe stress and subsequent
increased CRH levels can override glucocorti-
coid negative feedback inhibition, steroids act to
physiologically suppress CRH gene and protein
expression, CRH secretion to the portal system FIGURE 15.6  Hypothalamic TRH stimulates pituitary
and ultimately adrenal function. thyrotrophs to synthesize and release TSH which induces
An important clinical consequence of this the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones which nega-
tively regulate further release of both TSH and TRH. SRIF
potent central glucocorticoid action is that also inhibits both TRH and TSH. Melmed S. Mechanisms
patients receiving chronic glucocorticoid ther- for pituitary tumorigenesis: theplastic pituitary. J Clin Invest
apy (eg, for asthma and arthritis) are unable 2003;112(11):1603–18.
on thyroid follicular cells to stimulate thyroid damage, postoperatively, after radioactive abla-
hormone (T4) synthesis and release. T4 is con- tion, thyroiditis, and thyroiditis.
verted in the periphery to the more active T3
which elicits most thyroid cellular actions.
TRH is a hypothalamic tripeptide (pyroglu- HYPOTHALAMIC–PITUITARY–
tamyl histidyl-prolinamide) that acts through GH AXIS
a transmembrane rhodopsin family GPCR
expressed on the thyrotroph surface to stimulate GH acts to regulate linear growth in children,
TSH synthesis and secretion; it also stimulates and to maintain homeostatic body composition
the lactotroph to secrete PRL. TRH is derived and muscle mass in adults (Fig. 15.7). Although
from hypothalamic preproTRH (242 aa) which GH acts directly on peripheral tissues (espe-
is cleaved to generate the tripeptide. TRH cially liver, muscle, cartilage, adipocytes, heart),
synthesis is induced by cold, thereby activating most growth-promoting functions of GH are
the thyroid hormone response to hypothermia. mediated by GH-induced IGF-1.
Hypothalamic-TRH signaling is mediated pri- Cells expressing both PRL and GH (lactoso-
marily by Gq/11 proteins, hydrolysis of phospha- matotrophs) arise from acidophilic stem cells,
tidylinositol 4,5-P2 (PIP2), and intracellular Ca2+ and mature somatotrophs comprise 35–45% of
and phosphokinase C (PKC) activation. TRH
also regulates TSH glycosylation. TSH synthe-
sis and production are markedly suppressed
by several factors including thyroid hormones,
dopamine, somatostatin, and glucocorticoids.
These molecules act to inhibit TSH production
overriding central TRH induction. Intravenous
TRH injection in humans rapidly elicits up to
22-fold increase in TSH synthesis and secretion,
reflected as a biphasic release pattern measured
as circulating TSH levels.
Thyroid hormones feedback to potently
suppress the thyroid axis by inhibiting TRH
gene transcription, and TSH synthesis and
release. During states of hypothyroidism, SRIF
also inhibits TRH-induced TSH. As thyroid
hormone negative feedback inhibition on the
axis is so powerful, thyrotroph proliferation
and TSH production are both released from
restraint when thyroid hormones are removed.
Thus, untreated thyroid gland failure relieves FIGURE 15.7  Hypothalamic GHRH stimulates the
the thyrotroph of negative feedback inhibition somatotroph to synthesize and release growth hormone
and results in exuberant TSH synthesis with (GH), which in turn stimulates the liver to produce IGF-
resultant elevated TSH levels. Furthermore, 1. Peripheral GH action may be either IGF-I dependent or
as thyroid hormones suppress thyrotroph cell independent. Both GH and IGF-1 act in a negative feed-
back loop to suppress both GHRH and GH, while SRIF also
proliferation, patients with low thyroid hormone inhibits both GHRH and GH release. Melmed S. Mechanisms
levels may also exhibit thyrotroph hyperplasia. for pituitary tumorigenesis: theplastic pituitary. J Clin Invest
Increased levels of TSH are seen with thyroid 2003;112(11):1603–18.

pituitary cells, that is, these are the most prepon- feedback exerted by IGF-1, the peripheral tar-
derant pituitary cell type. Somatotrophs contain get hormone for GH which directly suppresses
abundant GH secretory granules up to 700 μm GH, while indirectly inducing hypothalamic
in diameter. SRIF to suppress GH.
Hypothalamic-GHRH neurons in the arcuate Peripheral GH tissue responses and especially
and ventromedial nuclei project into the median growth rates appear to be gender specific. For
eminence, and terminate on hypophyseal–por- example, male somatostatin and GHRH expres-
tal capillaries to release GHRH into the portal sion are higher than in females, leading to higher
venous system. The precursor GHRH pre-pro- pulsatile GH peaks and lower troughs. Conse-
hormone comprises 108 amino acids, and is sub- quently, GH levels are higher in men, compared
sequently processed to GHRH (1–40)-OH and with continuous basal GH secretion observed
GHRH (1–44)-NH2, with fragments as short as in women. These observations may at least in
GHRH (1–29)-NH2 exhibiting potent GH-releas- part explain gender differences in linear growth
ing activity. GHRH is structurally similar to the pattern differences and liver enzyme induction.
secretin family, including glucagon and vasoac- These differences may also be accounted for by
tive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). GHRH recep- sex steroids which regulate both somatostatin
tor (GHRHR), a transmembrane GPCR mostly and GHRH neurons, and which may also contrib-
expressed on pituitary somatotroph cells, sig- ute to sexually dimorphic GH secretion patterns.
nals to induce both cell proliferation as well Both GH and IGF-1 cause negative feedback
as GH synthesis and secretion via intracellular suppression of hypothalamic-GHRH release.
calcium fluxes, increased cAMP, and activated Hypothalamic SRIF is also released in response
phosphatidyl inositol and MAPK pathways. to GH, thus indirectly contributing to the nega-
The pancreatic GHRH signals to regulate insulin tive feedback loop suppressing GHRH and GH
and glucagon release. itself. Interestingly, mutant mice which are null
The GH gene encodes a 191 aa polypep- for SSTR2 are refractory to negative GH feed-
tide in the pituitary, and about 15% of circu- back implying that GH-stimulated SRIF directly
lating GH comprises a shorter 176 aa peptide inhibits GHRH release, in addition to releasing
derived by alternative splicing. Basal GH SRIF into the hypophyseal–portal circulation to
secretion as well as periodic pulse patterns further inhibit pituitary GH.
are engendered by coordinated hypothalamic Abundant IGF-1 receptors are expressed
GHRH– and SRIF–release patterns. GH syn- in both the pituitary and hypothalamus, and
thesis, secretion, and secretory patterns are IGF-1, the GH target hormone directly inhibits
controlled by a myriad of hypothalamic and pituitary GH synthesis at the level of the GH
peripheral factors. Inducing factors include gene, as well as acting indirectly via the hypo-
hypothalamic GHRH, which primarily stimu- thalamus by inducing SRIF.
lates somatotroph GH synthesis and release, GH is also induced by several neuropeptides
and Ghrelin, an octanoylated gastric-derived and amino acids including ghrelin, l-arginine,
peptide, which also induces GH. Inhibitory glucagon, dopamine, galanin, and apomorphine,
signals derive mainly from hypothalamic as well as α-adrenergic agonists induce GH.
somatostatin (SRIF)] which inhibits GH secre- β-Adrenergic blockade also induces basal GH and
tion. Somatostatin binds five distinct receptor enhances GHRH- and insulin-evoked GH release.
subtypes (SST1 to SST5) and somatotrophs Ghrelin, a gut-derived 28-aa GH secretagogue
expresses predominantly SST2 and SST5 sub- signals via the ghrelin receptor to increase intra-
types which signal to suppress GH secretion. cellular pituitary calcium via inositol phosphate to
GH synthesis is also suppressed by negative dose-dependently induce GH release. Ghrelin also
Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Gonadal axis 327
induces hypothalamic GHRH to stimulate GH, superfamily and is abundantly expressed
and Ghrelin and GHRH cotreatment is synergis- on liver, cartilage, and adipocytes. GH sig-
tic for GH induction likely acting to allosterically nals through JAK/STAT pathway to regulate
regulate pituitary GHRH receptors. expression of target genes mediated by both
Most GH secretory peaks occur at night, and STAT and also non-STAT signaling pathways.
GH is elevated with deep sleep, exercise, physi- Importantly, IGF-I, the potent growth factor,
cal stress, and sepsis. Integrated 24-h GH secre- is generated in response to GH, mainly in the
tion is higher in women and is also enhanced by liver. Chondrocyte cell proliferation and lin-
estrogens which likely increase peripheral GH ear growth are determined by GH and IGF-I
resistance. as well as other hormones including thyroid
Randomly measured GH values are very hormone and sex steroids.
low or even undetectable in about 50% of
daytime samples, especially in obese and elderly
patients. Nutritional status is a strong determi-
nant of GH secretion. Thus, a glucose load will
normally suppress serum GH to <0.7 μg/L in
women and even lower to <0.07 μg/L in men.
The gonadal axis regulates sex steroid synthesis
In contrast, chronic malnutrition, or undernu-
and secretion, as well as germ cell development
trition, or hypoglycemia, are associated with
and function. Thus, axis controls sexual develop-
increased GH levels.
ment and function, as well as fertility (Fig. 15.8).
GHRH dose-dependently elicits secretory
serum GH peaks at 15–45 min after injection,
returning to baseline levels within 90–120 min.
Unlike CRH, repeated or constant GHRH
administration does not down-regulate the GH
response. Administration of estrogens, gluco-
corticoids, or the presence of malnutrition, all
lead to enhanced GH responses to GHRH. In
contrast, GH response to GHRH is blunted by
somatostatin administration, obesity, and aging.
GHRH also acts as a somatotroph trophic factor
and leads to induced proliferation and if per-
sistently oversecreted (eg, by a hypothalamic
or neuroendocrine tumor) results in pituitary
hyperplasia. Transgenic mice overexpress-
ing GHRH exhibit somatotroph hyperplasia in
enlarged pituitary glands. Clinically, neuroen-
docrine tumor ectopic GHRH production leads
to somatotroph hyperplasia and GH hyperse- FIGURE 15.8  Hypothalamic GnRH stimulates the
cretion with acromegaly. GHRH action may gon­adotroph to synthesize and release both FSH and LH
also be constitutively enhanced as a result of Gαs which stimulate the gonads to produce sex steroid hor-
subunit mutations observed in up to 40% of GH- mones and regulate germ cell function. Estradiol and
testosterone regulate release of central GnRH, FSH, and
secreting pituitary adenomas. LH in both females and males. Melmed S. Mechanisms
The GH receptor dimer exhibits structural for pituitary tumorigenesis: theplastic pituitary. J Clin Invest
homology with the cytokine/hematopoietic 2003;112(11):1603–18.

GnRH neurons arise from the olfactory reliable indicator of GnRH pulsatility. Gonado-
placode and migrate to the hypothalamus troph GnRH has also been proposed to commu-
upon a scaffolding of neurons and glial cells, nicate with hypothalamic GnRH by retrograde
as well as in response to chemotactic and adhe- neurohypophyseal flow exemplifying a short-
sion signals. GnRH-I neurons have been pro- loop regulatory feedback that controls both LH
posed to also arise from the anterior pituitary and GnRH secretion. Discreet GnRH pulses
placode, as exemplified in zebrafish mutants prime basal gonadotroph secretory responsive-
lacking a pituitary but with intact olfactory ness, in contrast to continuous GnRH exposure
organs, yet devoid of hypothalamic GnRH-I which may down-regulate the axis by induc-
neurons. Hypothalamic GnRH-I neuronal net- ing GnRH receptor desensitization. This may
works coordinate a pulse generator for GnRH explain why patients with androgen-dependent
release and project to the median eminence prostate cancer experience suppressed gonadal
and stalk to terminate on the hypophyseal– function induced by parenteral long-acting
portal capillaries. GnRH agonist treatments.
Hypothalamic GnRH is essential for synthesis Kisspeptin enhances GnRH pulse ampli-
and release of the gonadotrophin hormones FSH tude and duration and kisspeptin neurons also
and LH. GnRH-I is the predominant hypotha- express leptin receptors. This central path-
lamic peptide and while GnRH-II is expressed way links the reproductive system to nutri-
mostly outside the brain. The GnRH-I gene tion and energy metabolism at the level of the
encodes a 92 aa protein that is processed to the hypothalamus.
10 aa GnRH molecule, retaining a pyroGlu at the In general, estradiol, progesterone, and tes-
N-terminus and a Gly-amide at the C-terminus, tosterone attenuate GnRH pulse frequency
both required for bioactivity. and GnRH release to the hypophyseal–por-
The GnRH receptor, a transmembrane GPCR, tal circulation. In humans, pituitary LH/FSH
lacks a typical intracellular C-terminal cyto- are suppressed by chronic estradiol exposure
plasmic domain and mostly binds Gαq/11 to while acute estrogen peaks, as characterized by
activate phospholipase C, diacylglycerol–PKC, the preovulatory mid-estrous surge, result in
and inositol-3-phosphate pathways to increase positive feedback to enhance both GnRH release
intracellular calcium and induce glucoprotein and subsequent FSH/LH pulse frequency and
synthesis. Continuous GnRH exposure down- amplitude. Progesterone acts mainly at the
regulates GnRH receptors and desensitizes hypothalamus to attenuate GnRH pulse fre-
gonadotrophs mainly by receptor trafficking quency, while testosterone negative feedback
including internalization and degradation. regulation occurring mainly at the hypotha-
GnRH neurons exhibit a highly coordinated lamic and pituitary levels is mediated in part by
pulsatile pattern of GnRH release into the conversion to estrogens.
hypophyseal–portal circulation discreet pulsing Numerous other factors are known to regu-
every 60–120 min elicits rhythmic LH and FSH late the hypothalamic–pituitary gonadal axis.
secretion patterns. In fact, discreet pituitary- Galanin-like peptide induce GnRH in the pres-
derived LH pulses are observed within minutes ence of estradiol, excitatory amino acids, cat-
after a hypothalamic-GnRH spike. GnRH pulse echolamines, NPY, and neurotensin may also all
patterns and frequency determine rates of FSH/ act to enhance estradiol stimulation of gonado-
LH release, ratios of FSH and LH, and LH and trophins. Noradrenergic and adrenergic neurons
FSH glycosylation, which all are required to stimulate GnRH release, while neural inhibitors
determine appropriate gonadal actions of the of estradiol effects on GnRH include GABA and
gonadotrophins. LH rather than FSH is a more opioids, which also suppress the LH surge.
Prolactin 329
Gonadotroph cells express both the gonado- vessels crossing from the posterior to the ante-
troph hormones, FSH and LH, and comprise rior pituitary.
about 10–15% of functional anterior pituitary Somatostatins are cyclic peptides with a
cells. They contain two groups of secretory gran- single covalent bond between two Cys residues
ules; large 350–450 nm and smaller 150–250 nm and a bioactive core composed of a Phe–Trp–
granules packaged in vesicles. Both bihormonal Lys–Thr amino acid sequence. Both SRIF14
and monohormonal groups of gonadotrophs are and SRIF28 are derived from posttranslational
evident. Gonadotroph-specific differentiation cleavage of pro-somatostatin by PC1 and PC2
is characterized by GnRH receptor expression and carboxypeptidase E. Somatostatin signals
and by steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) and DAX-1 through five GPCR somatostatin receptor sub-
nuclear receptors. Gonadotroph cells synthesize types, SSTR1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Somatostatin 14
and secrete both LH and FSH, glycoprotein hor- exhibits high binding affinity to all the recep-
mones that comprise α and β subunits. Hormone tor subtypes, with highest affinity to SSTR2,
specificity of action at the level of the gonads is the subtype responsible for inhibiting GH. SRIF
conferred by the unique β subunits, while the α receptors bind the Gαi/o subunit of the Gαβγ tet-
subunit is common to FSH, LH, and TSH. ramer, reduce cAMP levels, opening potassium
Activins secreted by the gonads also induce, channels and closure of calcium channels. Pitu-
while inhibin suppresses FSH. Gonadotropins itary SSTR2 is suppressed by chronic glucocor-
bind to respective GPCRs expressed in the ovary ticoids. SSTR2 also signals constitutively in the
and testis signaling to regulate germ-cell devel- absence of ligand to suppress GH and ACTH
opment and function and estrogen or testos- secretion. The primary function of somatosta-
terone synthesis. Ovarian follicle development tin is to inhibit pituitary hormone secretion.
and ovarian estrogen production are regulated There is also evidence that SRIF may restrain
by FSH, and ovulation and maintenance of the pituitary tumor cell growth, especially somato-
corpus luteum are controlled by LH. Testicular trophs. SRIF inhibits secretion of GH, TSH, as
Leydig cell testosterone synthesis and secre- well as ACTH in the presence of low gluco-
tion is induced by LH, and seminiferous tubule corticoid levels. SRIF also exerts ubiquitous
development and spermatogenesis are under inhibitory effects on multiple gastrointestinal,
FSH control. pancreatic, and vascular functions. In patients
with acromegaly, somatostatin analogs are
administered to control excess GH secretion,
SOMATOSTATIN normalize IGF-I levels, and stabilize or shrink
the pituitary adenoma mass.
Hypothalamic somatostatin is produced
predominantly in the anterior periventricular
nucleus, as well as in paraventricular, arcuate, PROLACTIN
and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei. These
neurons project into the median eminence, Lactotroph cells comprise about 15–25% of
and their fibers terminate on the hypophyseal– functioning anterior pituitary cells and likely
portal circulation to release the peptide into the arise from a common GH-producing precursor
portal circulation reaching anterior pituitary cell. PRL secretory granules (250–800 nm) are
cells. Endocrine transport of the peptide to the evenly distributed, while smaller (200–350 nm)
anterior pituitary is also enabled by CSF leak- granules are more scattered. Mammosomato-
age from the third ventricle to the portal system, troph cells co-secrete both PRL and GH within
peripheral somatostatin, and short portal blood the same granule. Lactotroph hyperplasia occurs

during pregnancy and lactation, and resolves expression of lactotroph dopamine receptor
within several months of delivery. expression. Most neuroleptic drugs that inhibit
Hypothalamic dopamine is released from dopamine secretion or receptor signaling also
the arcuate and anterior periventricular nuclei. increase prolactin levels. Thus, patients receiv-
The anterior pituitary also receives dopaminer- ing chronic anti-psychotic medications often
gic signals derived from the posterior pituitary exhibit hyperprolactinemia and galactorrhea.
through interconnecting short portal veins. Other central peptides inconsistently stimulate
Dopamine binds to lactotroph dopamine recep- prolactin secretion including TRH, vasopressin,
tor subtype 2 (D2R) to inhibit prolactin synthesis VIP, angiotensin II, galanin, substance P, bombe-
and release, and lactotroph proliferation. This sin-like peptides, and neurotensin.
potent inhibition is further reinforced by obser- PRL is a 199 aa polypeptide with about 40%
vations that D2R null mice develop lactotroph homology to GH. PRL signals through a dimeric
hyperplasia, hyperprolactinemia, and pituitary transmembrane receptor (PRLR), a member of
lactotroph adenomas. D2R, a GPCR, couples the cytokine/emythropoeitin family. Subse-
the Gαi/o subunit to decrease cAMP, increase quent signaling is mediated by JAK2 and StatS
potassium influx, inhibit inositol phosphate which translocates to the nucleus to elicit target
production, and decrease intracellular calcium gene transcription. In the primed breast, PRL is
to acutely inhibit prolactin synthesis and secre- required to initiate and maintain lactation. PRL
tion, usually within minutes. induces growth of and maintains the developed
As the predominant hypothalamic control of
PRL secretion is inhibitory, mediated by hypo-
thalamic dopamine, PRL levels are high with
pituitary stalk section compromising portal
dopamine passage, as seen with compressive
mass sellar lesions. Lactotroph dopamine type
2 (D2) receptors signal to inhibit PRL synthe-
sis and secretion. Targeted knockout of the D2
receptor results in murine hyperprolactinemia
and associated with lactotroph proliferation.
Lactotroph hyperplasia induced by estrogen
occurs during pregnancy and lactation. Serum
PRL levels are about 10–25 μg/L in women and
10–20 μg/L in men.
Pituitary prolactin secretion is under tonic inhi-
bition by hypothalamic dopamine (Fig. 15.9).
As a consequence, compromised dopamine por-
tal transit, or antagonized dopamine receptor
signaling, as seen with pituitary stalk damage
or dopamine antagonist drugs, leads to marked
increase in lactotroph production and PRL
As dopaminergic neurons express PRL FIGURE 15.9  Hypothalamic dopamine traverses the
portal vasculature to exert tonic suppression of lacto-
receptors, a short negative feedback loop of troph PRL synthesis and release. Melmed S. Mechanisms
prolactin on dopamine synthesis is operative. for pituitary tumorigenesis: theplastic pituitary. J Clin Invest
Estrogen increases prolactin mainly by reducing 2003;112(11):1603–18.
Further Reading 331
mammary gland to enable breast milk produc- [3] Clemmons DR. The diagnosis and treatment of growth
tion and suckling. In lower vertebrates, PRL also hormone deficiency in adults. Curr Opin Endocrinol
Diabetes Obes 2010;17:377–83.
regulates fluid and water balance. [4] Brooks AJ, Waters MJ. The growth hormone receptor:
High PRL acts to suppress female and male mechanism of activation and clinical implications. Nat
gonadal functions. This role for PRL is thought Rev Endocrinol 2010;6:515–25.
to preserve species survival by preventing [5] Melmed S. Pathogenesis of pituitary tumors. Nat Rev
pregnancy in a lactating mother. Thus, females Endocrinol 2011;7(5):257–66.
[6] Langlais D, Couture C, Kmita M, Drouin J. Adult pitu-
exhibit ovulation inhibition and amenorrhea itary cell maintenance: lineage-specific contribution of
and males develop azoospermia and impotence. self-duplication. Mol Endocrinol 2013;27(7):1103–12.
Accordingly, hyperprolactinemia, especially [7] Gittleman H, Ostrom QT, Farah PD, et al. Descriptive
encountered in patients with PRL-secreting epidemiology of pituitary tumors in the United States,
pituitary adenomas, leads to galactorrhea and 2004–2009. J Neurosurg 2014:1–9.
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infertility. Metab 2014;99(12):4449–54.
[9] Ntali G, Capatina C, Grossman A, Karavitaki N. Clini-
cal review: functioning gonadotroph adenomas. J Clin
Further Reading Endocrinol Metab 2014;99(12):4423–33.
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[2] Millar RP, Lu ZL, Pawson AJ, Flanagan CA, Morgan 2015;11(5):265–75.
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