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Nama : Adiel Yoga Kharisma

NIM : 21.0.K.001
Prodi : D4K3

The Risks

Risks in work recently have become a phenomenon that is very much noticed both by the
government and by companies. Risks in work can also cause detrimental impacts both for
workers and for the company. Work accidents caused by risks at work can affect all aspects of
the company. Work accidents caused by risks at work can affect all aspects of the company. The
Iceberg Theory by Heinrich (1959) is a theory that describes that the negative impact of work
accidents not only results in direct costs but also on indirect costs. Therefore, the government
implements safety rules to protect workers and companies.

In occupational health and safety there is a hierarchy of risk control, namely elimination,
substitution, technical engineering, administration and personal protective equipment. This
control does not completely prevent workers from hazards at the work site, but this control will
reduce the impact that arises on a risk.

In government regulation (PER.08/MEN/VII/2010) is about Personal Protective Equipment

(PPE) / Safety Equipment, regulations that require the use of PPE for workers. Safety shoes and
helmets are one of the PPE that must be used by workers. The use of safety shoes can prevent
the risk of falling due to slipping. This prevention is quite effective for workers, which is about
90% in terms of working in slippery locations because safety shoes have a rough sole surface
that prevents the risk of slipping in the workplace. Safety Helmets protect workers from the
danger of falling sharp or heavy objects. The risk of falling can also be prevented by engineering
work equipment. For example, engineering a ladder with a safety in the form of a handle and
adding a safety belt. This technical engineering is 80% effective at preventing the risk of falling
from a height.

Using the Flotation Device method and using buoys correctly according to the type of work and
providing sea survival training or basic sea training will help reduce the risk when workers fall
into the sea. This training will provide knowledge to workers that will prevent workers from
panic attacks when falling into the sea so that the risk of work accidents can be minimized. This
training will also increase the awareness of workers to avoid unsafe acts so that it is very
effective in preventing work accidents.

The installation of standard electricity and the use of a log out take out (LOTO) system will be
useful in case of damage and will prevent workers from accidents at work. This system will be
automatically disconnected when it is found that there is damage or negligence by the worker.
This control is very effective in preventing work accidents caused by unsafe actions or unsafe

Risk control is very important because a risk can turn into harmony and accidents will cause
losses both to workers and to the company.

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