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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Plot Timeline
 Huck resists being taught knowledge, religion, and etiquette by Miss Watson and the Widow.

 While the Widow is trying to civilize him, he gets up to hijinks, pranking Miss Watson's slave
Jim and playing with Tom and some others boys in a cave.

 We learn about Huck's drunken Pap, so we approve when Huck gives all his money to Judge
Thatcher based on having a bad feeling.

 Huck actually starts to like school—and then, when he's kidnapped by his abusive dad, he
starts liking his filthy life in a shack down by the river.

 But eventually it gets to be too much, and he fakes his own death using pig's blood and jets off
to Jackson's Island.

 Surprise! Jim—now a runaway—is also there.

 They team up and have more hijinks, including pranks, crossdressing, falling in with robbers,
and then getting separated.

 Huck has some moral conflict about whether it's right to help Jim escape, but he also gradually
starts to think of Jim as an actual person. 

 After a steamboat crashes through their raft, Huck is taken in by the Grangerfords by
pretending to be George Jackson.

 Huck befriends Buck. 

 After sneaking a note from Harney Shepherdson to Sophia Grangerford, Huck witnesses
Buck's death and gets a big wakeup call.

 He falls in with the duke and king, two conmen. After a while, he gets a little fed up with all this
lying and conning, particularly when a pretty girl and her an enormous inheritance are thrown
into the mix.

 Eventually, he and Jim try to escape from the duke and king.

 They fail. Jim is captured, and Huck ends up pretending to be their nephew, Tom Sawyer. 

 Huck intercepts Tom Sawyer before he gets to the farm, and they scheme elaborate ways to
free Jim.

 These plans fail.

 Eventually, Huck finds out that Jim was freed and his father is dead. 

 With these checked off his list, he plans to head out west for more adventures.

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