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The Difference Between Life in College and High School

High school, colleges have different levels of education.  No one said that college might be
easy, especially as you are moving to a new stage in your life, and the difficulty of adapting may be
an obstacle for some students, in contrast knowing what to expect during the first semester of your
classes will give you an advantage over students who enter without a clue.

First of all, the size of the classrooms which in high school the classes generally do not exceed
35 students and they are taught by teachers. On the other hand, in college it depends on the size of
college, classes may range in size from fifteen to hundreds of students. Classes are taught by
professors, who will be referred to as a doctor if they have acquired a Doctorate in their chosen
field. However at large universities, classes may be taught by graduate assistants as a part of their

The biggest thing I think is that no one will remind you and help you do as well, or even do, in
college as they did in high school. You have to hold yourself accountable for doing the work and
doing it well, most professors in college will not care at all if you do not turn in a paper and they
certainly will not send you an email asking you to hand it in, they will simply give you a zero. In high
school the teachers care about the students, as they are keen on the students that they all
understand the lesson and its grade is good, and they always ask the students to study for the next

Most importantly, in college you have the opportunity to explore what you are passionate
about and you will be encouraged by professors and classmates to do so. In high school, you will
likely have limited choices in the classes you can take because there is a standard list of
requirements for the classes you need to attend each year. There are also some required classes in
college but you will finally have the opportunity to explore what interests you for instance writing,
business or robotics, there are plenty of interesting and useful classes to take, be sure to keep track
of what interests you and take the classes that interest you.

Life does have many differences, however most of them are positive differences. After
you graduate from high school, you are ready for anything if you put your mind to it.

Prepared by,

Heleen Khalid

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