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Teacher is a figure that I really admire since childhood. However, it never

occurred to me that I would be one of them. Since childhood, I really enjoyed
sharing knowledge with friends, often playing the role of a teacher when
playing with friends. However, I used to think that a teacher must have more
abilities than other people. A teacher must also be responsible for educating
his students well.
My opinion about teacher,teacher is the best job in the world.Because
teachers are willing to sacrifice all their time for the sake of their students,
even some of them are willing to travel thousands of miles away to just give
knowledge to their students. besides that, the teacher also has a patient and
tenacious nature in teaching students, for example when there might be one
of the students who is unable to understand the material or assignments, the
teacher is willing to give an explanation until the student really understands
what is being given, therefore It's no wonder that teachers can be called
unsung heroes.
Just imagine, if in this world there were no educational heroes like
them? there must be a lot of people who can't reach their dreams. therefore,
as students we should be able to respect teachers, not just pay attention to
them when teaching, but also carry out all the instructions they order and also
listen to their advice. teachers with all their sacrifices that we cannot repay is
proof of how important it is for us to respect teachers because it is also one of
the factors that can influence our success in the future, if we respect them,
they will pray for us so that we can be successful in the future future, but, if it's
the other way around, teachers can just pray bad things for our future.
therefore I invite myself and all of you to come together we respect and
appreciate our teachers so that our future is in accordance with what we and
our families want, thank you as much as possible to the teachers who have
educated us with love love and patience. This is the only writing I can give to
you great teachers, may Allah reward you all for your kindness.
Nama: Argya Aril Firdaus
Anugerah Tegar Maulana (Kelas 12 Saintek)

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