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Name Of Student: Culdong, Jenny Claire D.

Subject: HUM-ART Appreciation

Year & Section: 1st Year B-41
Teacher: Narag, Tomas Jerimiah B.

1. T
2. F - make man more humane, cultured, dignified, and refined human being
3. T
4. T
5. T

Activity No 2: THINK AND CLICK

1. Art originated from GOD because all his creations were pleasing to Him.
Everything had its function and beauty to fulfill a purpose that is pleasing to God.
God made everything for us to appreciate and take care of. He assigned Humans to
be the gardeners of his creation, Earth. And may be it is Human because art they
often give full reign to intuition and allow it to dominate their actions. There is often
a sense of flow in which feelings and the actions they lead to appear to come from
outside one’s self, and such creative expression has often been attributed to God or
other forces that transcend reason or conscious awareness.
2. For me it is a creative because even if the artist wants to make a copy and he is
skilled enough to make an exact copy, there will be an element of creativity even in
the choice of what he decided to copy, in the colors he chose, how to apply colors.
And we can use art as an expression of our feelings, emotions and selves. There are
various forms of art like painting, drawing, sculpting and the like. And it’s a product
of our imagination. Art must be not imitative because every piece of art has its own

1. Humanities are academic disciplines that study aspects of human society and
culture. In the is now called classics, the main area of secular study in universities at
the time. Humanities are more frequently defined as any fields of study outside of
professional training, mathematics, and the natural and social science.
2. Art is a diverse range of human activity, and resulting product,that involves
creative or imaginative talent expressive of technical proficiency, beauty, emotional
power, or conceptual ideas.
3. Art appreciation is the knowledge and understanding of the universal and timeless
qualities that identify all great art. The more you appreciate and understand the art
of different eras, movements, styles and techniques, the better you can develop,
evaluate and improve you own artwork.
4. Art history is the study of aesthetic objects and visual expression in historical and
stylistic context. Traditionally, the discipline of art history emphasized painting,
drawing, sculpture, architecture, ceramics and decorative arts, yet today, art history
examines broader aspects of visual culture, including the various visual and
conceptual outcomes related to an ever-evolving definition art.
5. Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives,
or possibilities that may useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and
entertaining ourselves and others. It is found in a number of disciplines, primarily
psychology, business studies, and cognitive science.

Activity No 1. JUSTIFY ME!

1. Haha

2. Love

3. Love

4. Wow

5. Love


3. It means that he is doing
homework so that his answer is good and he can get a high score.

they are standing while the women

drinking water and they were holding something together with the men.

Activity No 1: NAME YOU’LL HAVE IT.

1. - RP

2. - NR
3. - RP

4. - NR

5. -RP

6. - RP

7. - RP

8. - NR

9. - RP
10. - RP


Art had a vital function in pre-colonial society.The early native

showcased their talent and skills in making of pots,bamboo
containers,shell and jewelry. They ornamented it with various designs
derived from their agricultural mode existence, such as, symbols of
the fields and streams, clouds, sun and stars, lightning, bird or
animal shapes.These designs acquired a social meaning and name to
express authority, social position or identification in an agrarian

Pre-colonial art was made for religion and ritual.The early sculptors
carved statues of wood and stone representing ancient or the spirit
of ancestors.The Manunggul Jar is found in Palawan, it is classified
as a secondary burial jar.On the lid of the jar is a boat with two
human figures representing two souls on voyage to the afterlife.The
boatman is seated behind a figure whose hands are crossed on the
chest. The position of the hands is the traditional Filipino practice
observed when arranging the corpse.The Manunggul Jar signifies the
belief of early Filipinos in life after death.

It’s amazing how the colonizers used art as a tool to propagate the
Catholic faith through beautiful images and how they used images to
show Christ’s life and passion.Even though the ethic art forms such
as pottery, weaving and metalwork were relained; the Spaniards
introduced new art forms.Native indios acquired economic wealth and
became what was to be called the “ilutrados”,meaning enlightende
and educated.The developments paved the way for Filipino ilustrados
to send their children to universities in Europe.They were exposed
socio-political ideas generated by the French Revolution and they
also adapted Western cultural standards, criteria and manners.

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