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Group under Physics Research: Flores Hyro; Bao Roger; Cagas Mark Dillon;

Moncano Berckson; Salimbangon Samantha Maxxine;

Title of the research/ proposal: The effect of conceptual change and literacy strategies
on students in high school science classes

Authors: David Arias

Title of the Publication: California State University

Topic: Developing effective instructional strategies for improving science education in

high school; the impact of these interventions on students' academic achievement in
science classes

Research Problem:

1. What is the purpose or the objective of the study? (Exploratory, Explanatory,

The purpose or objective of the study is explanatory. It is because the study aims
to investigate the effect of two specific interventions, namely, conceptual change
and literacy strategies, on high school students' learning outcomes in science
classes. Also, the study focuses on explaining how interventions influence
student’ understanding and mastery of scientific concepts and their ability to use
literacy strategies to comprehend and communicate scientific ideas effectively.

2. What is the nature of the study? (Causal/Correlation)

The nature of the study is causal. It is because the study aims to investigate the
effect of conceptual change and literacy strategies on students' academic
achievement in high school science classes. This intimate that the researcher
intends to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the interventions
and the students' learning outcomes.

3. What is the extent of the researcher’s interference of the study?

The extent of the researcher’s interference in the study is researcher probably
developed and implemented the conceptual change and literacy strategies in the
high school science classes, and may have provided guidance or training to the
teachers and students involved. Subsequently, the researcher likely collected
data through pre- and post-tests or other forms of assessment to evaluate the
effectiveness of the interventions.

4. What is the setting of the research?

The setting of the research is high school science classes, where the
interventions of conceptual change and literacy strategies were implemented and
tested on the student’s learning outcomes.

5. What is the unit of analysis?

The unit of analysis for this study shows to be individual students in high school
science classes. The study aims to investigate the effect of conceptual change
and literacy strategies on students' learning outcomes, which suggests that the
focus is on individual student performance rather than group performance. The
researcher probably collected data on individual students' pre- and post-test
scores or other measures of academic achievement to determine the
effectiveness of the interventions on each student's learning outcomes.

6. What is the time dimension of the study? (cross-sectional study/ longitudinal

The time dimension of the study is longitudinal, as the researcher aims to
investigate the effect of conceptual change and literacy strategies on students'
learning outcomes in high school science classes over time. A cross-sectional
study typically involves collecting data at a single point in time, while a
longitudinal study involves collecting data over an extended period. The
interventions of conceptual change and literacy strategies were likely
implemented and evaluated over a period of time, which suggests that the study
is longitudinal in nature. However, without additional information, it is not possible
to determine the exact length of time over which the study was conducted.

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