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Generation X

Generation X created the Internet. In their childhood there were huge phones,
and not many people had computers at home. They had to deal with big changes
in technology, but people of this generation are not afraid of change. These
people are hardworking, but they are also friendly. They invented punk, grunge
and techno. They also listened to music on cassettes and CD players.
Generation Y
They grew up with technology and depend on it. They always listen to music and
love to share their impressions on social networks. Many of them have gone to
university but find it difficult to get a job that makes them happy. Most people of
this generation depend on their parents, they would like to be more independent,
but they can’t afford to be.
Generation Z
People of this generation can use several screens at the same time and this is
why they are called Screenagers. They focus on global problems, but sometimes
forget about themselves. These people are sociable, they like to communicate
with friends. Generation Z loves going to concerts and amusement parks. This
generation is worried about education, they are ambitious and want to start their
own business. They don't care about where you're from or the colour of your
skin. Music is also an essential part of their life.

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