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Lecture’s name: Josiah Forker
Subject: Intensive English Program
Name: Veasna Sokounniza
Date submission: 22/02/2023

Academic Year: 2022 – 2023

Small Families Are Better Than Large Families

In the past, people prefer to have a big family than a small family. However, in modern

life, many things have changed and some people decide to have a small family are also known as

nuclear families. 1The reason why smaller families are better than larger ones, there are three main

reasons: it is easy and comfortable, spend less money, build a strong relationship with each other.

First, it is easy and comfortable to live. because there is a lot of space for them to live. Each

member has their own space and room except the parent. Between siblings, they do not need to

share one room, and make them hard to have their own private time in the house. Moreover, it is

peaceful to live. Because fewer people make the house quieter and more comfortable for them to

focus on their work. Besides, they can avoid any conflict with each other over something like

clothes or TV channels.

Second, we do not need to spend a lot of money to support our living. Also, we do not have

to buy something in big quantities, for example, food or stuff. Because if we spend a lot of money

to buy food. Sometimes we cannot finish all of that. So, it is just waste a of money. Furthermore,

if we have fewer members in our family. It makes them less require of those things. In addition,

they can save more money and save up to spend on useful things for example on their kid's

education. So, they can get a high level of education and also, they can the money for an emergency

or family trip to create more memories with each other while enjoying their time together on the


Hasa. (2020, May 11). Difference between nuclear family and joint family. Pediaa.Com. Retrieved February 16,
2023, from
Finally, among the family member, they can build a strong relationship with each other.

Because they could receive more attention from their parent. Instead of focusing on one child out

of many children. A parent can focus on all of the kids and get their affection equally. It is also

easy for them to discipline their kid. They can spend more time enjoying fun activities with their

family. All that time will bring all of them to get closer to each other.

In short, small families are better than larger ones. Small families are easy to live with each

other, less money to spend and make them closer between family’s member. Instead of having big

families, we should consider the advantages of having small families too. However, it is also

depending on how people choose which one are the best for them. 2

Lower secondary English essays. (n.d.). Retrieved February 16, 2023, from

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