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0510/21 March 2021 MS

1. 1984
2. Make the public more interested in modern art
Obtain new artworks [for the Tate Gallery]
3. [They were] controversial
4. They have to be 50 or younger/ they can’t be over 50 / an age limit
5. Four
6. 25000 GBP
7. [the] K foundation
8. [at the] Tate Liverpool [gallery] / [in] Liverpool
9. Any four details from below
 Artists shouldn’t compete
 Absence of women
 Jury’s decision [about who the winner is] / not everyone sees the
winning artwork as original or exciting
 The selection process
 A lack of space

a. B
b. C
c. D
d. C
e. C
f. B
g. A
h. B
i. D
j. A

11. Any four details from below

 The lowest temperatures
 The Martian year is much longer
 The air on Mars, however, is unbreathable
 95% of air consists of carbon dioxide
0510/21 March 2021 MS

 The atmosphere on Mars is much thinner

 Higher doses of radiation
 Gravity levels / a third of the gravity that we experience

12. Any five details from below

 People’s ability to cope with living in isolation

 How isolation affects people’s stress levels
 The impact of isolation on sleeping patterns
 Food supplements and their effectiveness
 The volunteers’ ability to live together in a place with very limited
 Whether any bacteria could survive in such harsh conditions

Twins seems to have a very close relationship with each other, something
that is not always seen in a relationship between siblings that are not twins.
One of the pros is that being so close means that twins often tell each
other secrets. Because of this, they understand each other’s feelings and
can advise the other twin better, than somebody else.
Being so close with somebody help them to feel safe, and gain self-esteem.
On top of that, when twins are at school, they can study together when
revising for a test.
As teenagers, twins can wear each other’s clothes. Having a twin also
seem to have a positive impact on life expectancy.

 Organisation
 Accuracy of language _ SPaG
0510/21 March 2021 MS

 The range of vocab

 Paragraphs
 The range of linking words & phrases
 The range of grammatical structures – tenses / conditionals / relative

 all 8 facts
 correct length
 style
 development of ideas
 register

Hi Tolga,
0510/21 March 2021 MS

I haven’t heard from you for a while. Hope you’re okay and all is going
well at school. It’s such a shame that I can’t phone you. I had to make a
decision about what university to go to and I want to chat with you about
it so much.
Anyway, in the end, I have a chat with my elder sister – she’s doing her
first year in Max she decided to study abroad in the UK. I must say I
fancy it too, so I thought I’d pick her brains to see if studying abroad is
the right idea. If I could get into the same University, I wouldn’t be so
alone and she could help me. Plus, studying in the UK would give me a
better chance of getting a job back home. I also have a chat with mom
and she reckons it's a brilliant idea, so I might go for it. To be more
independent. Do you think I have made the right decision?
Speaking of which, I really hope you are coming home for the half term
holidays. Let me know what your plans are and whether we can meet
up. Hope to see you soon.
All the best,

It is generally believed that young people should do voluntary work to
learn important new skills they may need later in their life. However,
does this expectation put too much pressure on young people
0510/21 March 2021 MS

On the one hand, young people gain invaluable experience, which is

extremely helpful for their resume. Not only is this experience useful for
their future career, but it also helps them with other skills, for example,
people’s skills are becoming more independent. In addition to that, they
do something to help their local community.
On the other hand, a lot of young people go to school and school day is
often very long. When they arrive home, there is homework to be done
and other chores around the house. This doesn’t leave much time to
devote to any extra activities like voluntary work. However, it is crucial
for young people to have enough free time for their own hobbies and
meet their peers.
All in all, young people and the whole community benefit enormously
from voluntary work, but the issue is finding enough time. In my view,
school should consider making voluntary work part of their curriculum so
that students are able to do this type of work within their school hours.
0510/21 March 2021 MS
0510/21 March 2021 MS

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