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Would You Want to Be Home-Schooled?

Do you know about “homeschooling”? It refers to a way of educating

children directly at home without sending them to school. It is called

"homeschooling" when children and teenagers aged 5 to 17 are educated only at

home without attending school at all, and when they attend classes less than 25

hours a week even if they go to school, and the rest are taught by their parents.

On the other hand, it is also called “Un-schooling”, which means not receiving

school education. In a purified language, it is called "homework." With the

generalization of the school system, the role of school education and parenting

has been separated. However, in opposition to the uniform education of public

education, homeschooling is spreading, in which parents directly teach their

children education to suit their aptitude and characteristics. Here, there is a

division between countries where homeschooling is illegal and countries that are

legal. For example, it is legal in the United States, Britain, and Finland, but

Germany and Sweden are currently illegal. How about Korea? In the U.S., it is

legal to teach all curriculums at home from kindergarten to college education,

but Korea is subject to a fine of less than 1 million won if it ignores elementary
courses stipulated by the current law in 2012. Homeschooling, which is still in

place in illegal countries, what is your opinion? For or against? I am against

homeschooling. Let's look at the reasons.

First, homeschooling can cause a lack of social skills. The school that

provides public education is a small society. It is also the first society we meet.

We learn how to meet new people, form relationships, and deal with various

situations with them there. In other words, they learn more than intellectual

learning. However, it is difficult for children who homeschooled to be exposed to

such opportunities. Naturally, socialization may be slow or insufficient. Of course,

children who attend school can also suffer from a lack of social skills. But under

the same circumstances, a child who goes to school continues to bump into each

other at school and learn and nurture social skills. On the other hand, home-

schooled children lack such opportunities. Problems that were not revealed when

they were only with their parents at home would be fatal if they were exposed to

society. No matter how good a home-schooled child is, it is no use. Society is a

world where groups live, and there are implicit orders and rules that have been
learned naturally since childhood. The place where I learned and experienced it is

the school. I object to home-schooling, which hinders my first steps to society.

Not only for this reason. Second, there is a limit to replacing public

education at home. Public education is taught according to the curriculum set for

the school year. It's relatively easy and simple. But homeschooling learns what it

wants, at its own time and level. This is relatively free. Most people even talk

about it as a home-schooling advantage. But this is also not easy to do right. The

amount of time parents have to devote to a child who is home-schooled is

actually enormous. It is more difficult to spend time in Korea where double-

income earners are becoming routine. Specific plans must be drawn up to ensure

efficient learning to keep up with basic public education, not just with computers.

They should also engage in activities ranging from appropriate textbooks to

diverse experiences. Also, parents should have that level of ability because they

have to teach their children to learn. No matter how smart a child is and how

capable his or her parents are, it is truly a miracle to keep the process intact until
the end. I am against homeschooling, which places a great burden on parents

and has many dangers.

The biggest reason for preferring homeschooling is freedom. It is free to

study and to choose the subjects you want to learn. So, especially children who

are interested in music, art, or physical education often choose to homeschool.

Of course, even if it's not an art form, children who usually have outstanding

ability in one field often choose to homeschool. But this is quite dangerous. As I

said earlier, our society is where we live together. In such a society, excellence in

only one field does not make a good living. Even if a person is perfect in one

field, it is hard for a person who lacks social skills to survive. A person must grow

evenly in body, personality, and intelligence. It is the school that learns it. He/She

also thought he/she liked it, and even if he/she was a confident field, it could

change enough. In school, He/she constantly searches for his/her interests and

specialties. So you can find another way even if you change direction in the

middle. However, if homeschooling is changed in the middle, nothing has been

built up so we have to start from scratch. This is why I am against homeschooling

and another important reason to go to school.

As we have seen so far, the pros and cons of homeschooling are clear.

Choosing to homeschool, or not choosing it, is an extremely personal choice. Of

course, it is not a legally restricted country. But the biggest reason I'm against

homeschooling is the preciousness of the moment. The lack of social skills and

limitations in the replacement of public education, of course, are important

grounds to oppose it. But that's not the only thing. I think the moment when

children of the same age get together and learn and enjoy is really precious.

Relationships and memories made during that time are treasures that can only be

made at school and at that age for life. Also, memory at that time is a great

experience and a solid foothold that cannot be changed. The passing time does

not come back. Above all, I hope the children don't miss the moment. I'm sad

because I think home schooling is missing that moment. Hopefully, children will

have the right personality and social skills through public education at the right

time. It also hopes to learn expertise and develop skills to find true dreams. In
this process, they will learn how to live, how to get people, and leave precious

memories. I object to home schooling for the various reasons mentioned above.

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