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Name: Abbie Entz

Date(s) to be Taught: March 2

Emporia State University

Professional Development School
Lesson Plan Template

Part A: Objective and Assessment Alignment

State Standard(s): RF.K.2.e - Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable
words to make new words.

Student Learning Objective(s): The student will be able to segment words and create new words by deleting the
first phoneme.

Individual Assessment of Student Learning Objectives (Add additional columns, if needed.)

Objective 1 Objective 2 (if needed)

Name Verbal true and false quiz. n/a

of assessment

Score/Level/Criteria 6/7: 85% of the true and false questions were n/a
needed to master objective answered correctly.

Scoring Guide/Rubric Via Answer Key n/a

used to score assessment

Part B: Student Needs and Differentiation Alignment

Description of Students
ELL n/a

IEP n/a

Behavior Tom has an anger problem and if he cannot figure something out on the first try he will grow very

Below-Level Sarah struggles in reading and has difficulties knowing what sounds correlate with what letters. She
struggles the most with vowel letters.

Above-Level Betty does well in reading and has the ability to learn new topics quickly. She needs high engagement and
is prone to asking a lot of questions.

Differentiation based on Description of Students (Add additional columns, if needed.)

How will the teacher make the learning objective accessible for students (i.e., ELL, IEP, below-level) and/or provide
enrichment? Consider differentiating content, process, and product.

Who? How will I differentiate?

Tom - Anger I will set clear guidelines on how the students should act at the
beginning of class and I will allow Tom to go to a quiet corner to
calm down when he starts to get angry.

Sarah - Below Level I will allow Sarah to have a little bit more time and if I see her
struggling I will be there to help because it is a small group.

Betty - Above Level If Betty finishes the game ahead of the others I will have her try to
see how long of a word chain she can make by changing only one
letter at a time. I will also allow students who finish early to play
another round by having extra game items.
Part C: Resources and Materials

Resources (Referenced in APA format.)

Phonological Awareness. (n.d.).

● Drop and Say triangles
● Drop and Say picture cards
● Answer key
● Game pieces
● True and False Sticks
● Drop and Say

Part D: Instructional Sequence

(Insert instructional sequence here, using the Gradual Release Model, 5E Instructional Model, or another model
that the instructor, supervisor, and/or mentor teacher selects.)

Anticipatory Set
● “Did you know that you can change a whole word by just changing one letter? You can change the word
tape to ape just by removing the ‘t’ sound at the beginning. You are going to be able to separate the
sounds in a word and make new words by getting rid of the very first sound in a word. Today we are doing
to play a game all about this but first, we have to learn how to play and practice changing words.”
● “Each word is made of small sounds called phonemes, the word cat has the sounds ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’, let's say those
sounds together now.” say it together “Good job! If I take off the ‘c’ sound in the word cat it makes a new
word, at.”
● “Let's do it again with the word leg, say the sounds with me, ‘l’ ‘e’ ‘g’. Good job! Now what word is it if you
take off the ‘l’ sound, that's right it is the word egg.
● “We are going to play a game with this now, the game is called “Drop and Say”.
● “First we will have picture cards face down in a stack at the center and each of you will have game pieces
and a different Drop and Say triangle. By taking turns you will pick the top picture card from the stack and
name the picture. Then you will delete the first phoneme or sound and the new word. After saying the
new word look for the picture of the new word on your triangle. If you find it, put a game piece on that
picture, and if you don't find it, place the picture card at the bottom of the stack We will keep playing until
all pictures on the triangle are covered.”
Guided Practice
● “Okay let’s try it together real quick, I picked up a picture of a deer and the sounds in that word are ‘d’ ‘e’
and ‘r’. If I take off the first sound what do I have, that's right the word ear! Now I look for a picture of an
ear on my triangle and put my game piece on that picture.”
● “Now get your partner and play one round with them.”
○ Watch as the student play and help them if needed.
Checks for Understanding
● “Okay real quick, if I take the word ‘lice’ and get rid of the ‘l’ sound, what is the new word? As soon as you
know I want you to give me a thumbs up, and when everyone is ready you will tell your shoulder partner. I
heard you guys say ice, good job!
○ Listen as the students share to make sure that they are understanding.
Independent Practice
● “Now that you know how to play, each one of you will get your own triangle and you will play the game by
● Watch and listen as the students play, help if needed, and check to make sure they are doing it correctly.
True & False Quiz
● “You all did a great job with that game! We are going to have a short true and false quiz about what we
just learned. I am going to say a statement and if what I said is true you will raise your true stick, but if it is
false you will raise your false stick. I will do a practice one first. If I take off the ‘c’ sound in the word cat it
makes a new word, at. That one is true, good job! We are going to start now, remember to listen carefully!
○ True or False - If I take the word ‘stop’ and get rid of the ‘s’ sound, the new word is ‘top’
○ True or False - If I take the word ‘fear’ and get rid of the ‘f’ sound, the new word is ‘tear’
○ True or False - If I take the word ‘fort’ and get rid of the ‘t’ sound, the new word is ‘fat’
○ True or False - If I take the word ‘clock’ and get rid of the ‘c’ sound, the new word is ‘lock’
○ True or False - If I take the word ‘twig’ and get rid of the ‘t’ sound, the new word is ‘wig’
○ True or False - If I take the word ‘mat’ and get rid of the ‘m’ sound, the new word is ‘pat’
○ True or False - If I take the word ‘rice’ and get rid of the ‘r’ sound, the new word is ‘ice’
● You guys did a great job! Now you know how to make new words by getting rid of the first sound. Now it is
time to take a quick break and then we will move on to our next lesson.

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