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1. I am proud of myself.

2. I focus on positive aspects of myself.

3. I have positive self-image.
4. I have an empowering self-talk.
5. I put my trust in my inner guidance.
6. I have a rational way of looking at situations.
7. I set realistic expectations for myself.
8. It’s easy to cope with imperfections.
9. I am free of self-criticism that doesn’t serve me well.
10. My inner dialogue is constructive.
11. I am resilient.
12. I focus on the value of my work.
13. I boldly act on the opportunities that are good for me.
14. I am confident of my abilities to succeed.
15. I accept and appreciate the compliments I received.
16. I acknowledge my success.
17. I celebrate my success.
18. I am my own cheer leader.
19. I am at peace with my failures.
20. I handle the feedback on my work with grace.
21. I have an open mind.
22. I am willing to try out new things for my progress.
23. I am free of attachments to the results.
24. I honour myself, no matter what.
25. I am thankful for my life.
26. I let go off the emotions, that doesn’t sever me well.
27. I let go off things, which I can’t control.

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